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02284Khoisan > Non-Khoe > Tuu > |xam   (xam)
Noms!Ui ; |Xam

6 titres trouvés

[2555]   Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1936) : Special speech of animals and moon used by the |Xam Bushmen, from material collected by W. H. I. Bleek and L. C. Lloyd between 1870 and 1880 [Customs and beliefs of the |Xam Bushmen, part 9]
[28482]   Güldemann, Tom (2004) : Welche Evidenz gibt es für eine !Ui-Sprache namens !Khuai?
[25604]   Hoff, Ansie (2011) : The /Xam and the Rain. Views by a Group of Southern San
[13645]   Meriggi, Piero (1928/29) : Versuch einer Grammatik des |Xam-Buschmännischen
[19876]   Traill, Anthony (1995) : Interpreting |Xam phonology: the need for typological cleansing
[19879]   Traill, Anthony (1996) : !Khwa-ka hhouiten hhouiten “the rush of the storm”: the linguistic death of |Xam