4 langues concernées

02099Afro-Asiatique > Sémitique > Central > arabe soudanais   (apd)
NomsArabic ; Arabic (Sudan) ; Arabic (Sudanese) ; Arabisch (Sudan) ; Sudan Arabic ; Sudanese ; Sudanese Arabic ; Sudanese Colloquial Arabic ; arabe (soudan) ; soudanais

31 titres trouvés

[144]   Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1995) : Behaviour of the Sudanese Arabic verbal stems in Sudanese Hausa
[558]   Ali, Abdel-Khalig (1996) : A prosodic account of syncope and epenthesis in Sudanese Colloquial Arabic
[1858]   Baumer, Michel (1975) : Noms vernaculaires soudanais utiles à l’écologiste
[2010]   Bell, G. W. (1953) : Some examples of Arabic slang used in the Sudan
[2208]   Bergman, Elizabeth M. (2002) : Spoken Sudanese Arabic: grammar, dialogues and glossary
[24960]   Birema, Ali Obeid (2006) : The Deviation of the Nubian Language of Kadero into Sudanese Colloquial Arabic
[3525]   Burton, G. S. M. (1934) : Sudan Arabic notebook
[5711]   Drexel, Albert (1924) : Parallèlles soudanais
[7101]   Gasim, A. (1965) : Some aspects of Sudanese colloquial Arabic
[7450]   Gouffé, Claude (1970/71) : Notes de lexicologie et d’étymologie soudanaises, I: a propos du nom du “moustique” et de la “moustiquaire”
[7455]   Gouffé, Claude (1971/72) : Notes de lexicologie et d’étymologie soudanaises, III: contacts de vocabulaire entre le haoussa et le berbère
[8133]   Hamid, Abdel Halim M. (1984) : A descriptive analysis of Sudanese colloquial Arabic phonology
[8824]   Hillelson, S. (1925) : Sudan Arabic: English-Arabic vocabulary
[8826]   Hillelson, S. (1935) : Sudan Arabic texts, with translation and glossary
[9373]   Hurreiz, Sayyid Hamid & Herman Bell (Ed) (1975) : Directions in Sudanese linguistics and folklore
[9548]   Idris, Hélène Fatima (2004) : The status and use of African languages versus Arabic in Sudan: a sociolinguistic survey in Nyala, Darfur
[10557]   Kaye, Alan S. (1976) : Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the light of comparative Arabic dialectology
[12725]   Mahmud, Ushari Ahmad (1982) : Language spread as a wavelike diffusion process: Arabic in the southern Sudan
[12726]   Mahmud, Ushari Ahmad (1983) : Arabic in the southern Sudan: history and spread of a pidgin-creole
[15894]   Omer, Abdel-Hadi Mohamed (1984) : Arabic in the Sudanese setting: a sociolinguistic study
[16382]   Persson, Andrew M. & Janet Persson (1984) : Sudanese colloquial Arabic for beginners
[23092]   Persson, Andrew M. , Janet Persson & Ahmad Hussein (1980) : Sudanese colloquial Arabic for beginners
[16873]   Prokosch, Erich (1983) : Omanisches Wortgut im Sudan-Arabischen
[17008]   Raimy, Eric (1997) : Syllable repair in Sudanese Arabic
[17426]   Roth-Laly, Arlette (1969/72) : Lexique des parlers arabes tchado-soudanais/An arabic-English-French lexicon of the dialects spoken in the Chad-Sudan area
[18400]   Sharif, Gasim Awn al (1963) : Some aspects of Sudanese colloquial Arabic
[27566]   Tamis, Rianne & Janet Persson (2013) : Sudanese Arabic-English / English-Sudanese Arabic: A Concise Dictionary
[19927]   Trimingham, John Spencer (1939) : Sudan colloquial Arabic
[19928]   Trimingham, John Spencer (1946) : Sudan colloquial Arabic
[21489]   Worsley, A. (1925) : Sudanese grammar
[21604]   Yokwe, Eluzai Moga (1984) : Arabicization and language policy in the Sudan