5 langues concernées

02072Afro-Asiatique > Omotique > Nord > Ometo > basketo   (bst)
NomsBaskeet ; Basketo ; Basketto ; Mesketo

10 titres trouvés

[491]   Alemayehu Abebe (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the Mesketo language of Ethiopia
[500]   Alemayehu Haile (1993) : A sketch of the Mesketo grammar
[504]   Alemayehu Haile (1994) : Some aspects of the phonology of Basketo
[1215]   Amha, Azeb (1993) : The case system in Basketto
[1216]   Amha, Azeb (1994) : Ometo verb derivation: the case of Basketo, Male, Ko:rete and Kullo
[1217]   Amha, Azeb (1995) : Case in Basketto
[3936]   Cerulli, Ernesta (1938) : Il linguaggio dei Giangerò ed alcune lingue sidama dell’Omo (Basketo, Ciara, Zaissè)
[27140]   Inui, Hideyuki (2017) : Converbs in Basketo
[26528]   Treis, Yvonne (2014) : Interrogativity in Baskeet
[27086]   Treis, Yvonne & Alexander Werth (2014) : Notes from the Field: Baskeet Phonological Sketch and Digital Wordlist.