3 langues concernées

01979Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Nilotique > mosiro   (mwy)
NomsAkie ; Dorobo (Mósiro) ; Mosiro

7 titres trouvés

[27203]   Heine, Bernd , Christa König & Karsten Legère (2015) : Reacting to language endangerment: The Akie of north-central Tanzania
[28003]   Heine, Bernd , Christa König & Karsten Legère (2017) : A text study of discourse markers in Akie, a Southern Nilotic language of Tanzania
[9351]   Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1931) : The Taturu, Mosiro and Aramanik dialects of Dorobo
[28193]   König, Christa , Bernd Heine & Karsten Legère (2015) : The Akie language of Tanzania : a sketch of discourse grammar
[28462]   König, Christa , Bernd Heine , Karsten Legère & Ingo Heine (2021) : The Akie Language of Tanzania - Texts and Dictionary
[28804]   Legère, Karsten , Bernd Heine & Christa König (2022) : Dialogue with ancestors? Documentation data from Akie in Tanzania
[12711]   Maguire, R. A. J. (1932) : The Mósiro and Aramanik dialects of Dorobo - Correspondence to the editor