4 langues concernées

01962Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Nilotique > otuho   (lot)
NomsLotuho ; Lotuko ; Otuho

6 titres trouvés

[4295]   Coates, Heather (1985) : Otuho phonology and orthography
[5724]   Driberg, Jack H. (1932) : Lotuko dialects
[8981]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1979) : Hamito-semitische Wortstämme im Bari und Lotuho, sowie in verwandten Sprachen
[16997]   Raglan, [Lord] (1922) : The Lotuko language
[16998]   Raglan, [Lord] (1926) : Some roots common to the Turkana, Lotuko and Bari languages
[28014]   Voßen, Rainer (2017) : On the reconstruction of Proto-LOTUKO obstruents