4 langues concernées

01946Nilo-Saharien > Soudanique oriental > Surmique > mursi   (muz)
NomsMursi ; mursi

12 titres trouvés

[27082]   David Turton, Moges Yigezu & Olisarali Olibui (2008) : Mursi-English-Amharic Dictionary
[5430]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1993) : On Tirma, Chai, Baale and Mursi
[5449]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey report of Tirma, Chai, Baale and Mursi
[28158]   Firew Girma Worku (2020) : A Grammar of Mursi, a Nilo-Saharan Language
[28202]   Firew Girma Worku (2021) : A Grammar of Mursi, a Nilo-Saharan Language
[7983]   Haberland, Eike (1966) : Zur Sprache der Bodi, Mursi und Yidenic in Südwest-Äthiopien
[18514]   Siebert, Ralph & Simon Caudwell (1995) : On Melo (Malo) and Mursi
[18519]   Siebert, Ralph & Simon Caudwell (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the Melo (Malo) and Mursi languages of Ethiopia
[20103]   Turton, David A. (1975) : The relationship between oratory and the exercise of influence among the Mursi
[20105]   Turton, David A. (1978) : La cátegorisation de la couleur en mursi
[20106]   Turton, David A. (1980) : There’s no such beast: cattle and color naming among the Mursi
[20104]   Turton, David A. & Marvin Lionel Bender (1976) : Mursi