5 langues concernées

01840Khoisan > Non-Khoe > Ju > kung-ekoka   (knw)
Noms!Khung ; !Kung ; !Kuñ-Buschmann ; !Xu ; !Xun ; !Xun (W2) ; !Xû ; !Xû ~ !Kung ; !Xû ~ Qguñ ; !Xûû ; Ekoka !Xun ; Gobabis-!Xû

40 titres trouvés

[22181]   [Anonymous] (1969) : !Xû: ’n Boesmantaal (spelreëls 1)
[2396]   Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1978) : Sapience and scarce resources: communication systems of the !Kung and other foragers
[2397]   Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1983) : An ethnobotanical study of !Kung
[2398]   Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] , Robert James Gordon & Richard B. Lee (Ed) (1986) : The past and future of !Kung ethnography: critical reflections and symbolic perspectives. Essays in honour of Lorna Marshall
[5371]   Dickens, Patrick John (1995) : Why anthropologists need linguistics: the case of the !Kung
[8464]   Heikkinen, Terttu (19--) : !Xu grammar
[8466]   Heikkinen, Terttu (1986) : Outline of the phonology of the !Xû dialect spoken in Ovamboland and western Kavango
[8467]   Heikkinen, Terttu (1987) : An outline grammar of the !Xû language spoken in Ovamboland and West Kavango
[8584]   Heine, Bernd & Christa König (2004) : !Xun as a type B language
[22397]   Heine, Bernd & Christa König (2005) : Grammatical hybrids: between serialization, compounding and derivation in !Xun (North Khoisan)
[26936]   Heine, Bernd & Christa König (2015) : The !Xun Language: A Dialect Grammar of Northern Khoisan
[11229]   Köhler, Oswin R. A. (1972) : Kultur und Gesellschaft der !Khung: Sammlung von Texten mit Tonbezeichnung und Übersetzung
[11230]   Köhler, Oswin R. A. (1972) : Wörterbuch des !Khung: Dialekt von Dikundu
[11232]   Köhler, Oswin R. A. (1973) : Grundzüge der Grammatik der !Khung-Sprache
[11236]   Köhler, Oswin R. A. (1974) : Die Sprache der !Khong von Lone Tree
[11241]   Köhler, Oswin R. A. (1981) : La langue !Xû
[25684]   König, Christa (2010) : Serial verb constructions in !Xun
[25782]   König, Christa (2009) : Focus in !Xun
[25898]   König, Christa (2008) : Topic in !Xun
[11254]   König, Christa & Bernd Heine (2001) : The !Xun of Ekoka: a demographic and linguistic report
[11256]   König, Christa & Bernd Heine (2003) : Location and motion in !Xun (Namibia)
[11257]   König, Christa & Bernd Heine (2004) : Verb extensions in !Xun (W2 dialect)
[22585]   König, Christa & Bernd Heine (2008) : A Concise Dictionary of Northwestern !Xun
[11795]   Lebzelter, Viktor (1937) : Eine Wortliste der !Kung vom oberen Omuramba u Ovambo
[11820]   Lee, Richard B. (1986) : !Kung kin terms: the name relationship and the process of discovery
[13809]   Miller-Ockhuizen, Amanda & Bonny [Eva] Sands (1999) : !Kung as a linguistic construct
[13999]   Mollier, J.-M. (195-) : Phrasebook French-!Xû
[14000]   Mollier, J.-M. (195-) : Vocabulary French-!Xû
[17090]   Ratliff, Martha (1992) : Tone language type change in Africa and Asia: !Xu, Gokana and Mpi
[17827]   Sands, Bonny [Eva] (1996) : Irregular click correspondence in !Xu and Ju|’hoan
[18748]   Snyman, Jan Winston (1970) : An introduction to the !Xû (!Kung) language
[18749]   Snyman, Jan Winston (1971) : A comparison of the voiced compressive speech sounds of !Xû with the voiced decompressive speech sounds of Zulu
[18761]   Snyman, Jan Winston (1980) : The relationship between Angolan !Xu and Zu|’õasi
[18769]   Snyman, Jan Winston (1997) : A preliminary classification of the !Xûû and Zhu|’hõasi dialects
[25901]   Takada, Akira (2008) : Kinship and naming among the Ekoka !Xun
[19866]   Traill, Anthony (1992) : A confusion of sounds: the phonetic description of !Xû clicks
[20985]   Westhuizen, P. J. W. S. van der (1972) : Tydsaanduiding in die Gobabis-!Xû
[20986]   Westhuizen, P. J. W. S. van der (1979) : Tydsaanduiding in die Gobabis-!Xû
[20987]   Westhuizen, P. J. W. S. van der (1979) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir !Xû (Qguñ)
[21138]   Wilhelm, Joachim Helmuth (1921/22) : Aus dem Wortschatz der !Kuñ- und der Hukwe-Buschmannscprache