2 langues concernées

01834Khoisan > Khoe-Kwadi > Kalahari > ǀgui   (gwj)
NomsGui ; Gui-go ~ /Gui ; G|ui ; |Gui ; |Gwi

6 titres trouvés

[29052]   Budzani, Gabanamotse-Mogara (2023) : Orthography Challenges in Khoisan Literacy The Case of Gǀui and Gǁana Communities
[7784]   Gruber, Jeffrey S. (1973) : A story in |Gwi with some linguistic descriptions
[14824]   Nakagawa, Hirosi (1998) : Gui-go no meishi keitairon / Nominal morphology in /Gui
[15934]   Ono, Hitomi (1996) : An ethnosemantic analysis of Gui relationship terminology
[25688]   Ono, Hitomi (2010) : |Gui kinship verbs? Verbs and nouns in |Gui and linguistic differences found among its kinship terms
[29050]   Takada, Akira (2023) : (Re)generation of Speech Community The case of G|ui and G||ana of the Central Kalahari