4 langues concernées

01823Khoisan > Khoe-Kwadi > Khoekhoe > hai//om   (hgm)
NomsHai//om ; Hai||om

5 titres trouvés

[25895]   Haacke, Wilfrid [Heinrich] [Gerhard] (2008) : Tonogenesis in flagrante – Tonal depression in Khoekhoegowab, Hai||om, #Akhoe and Naro
[21108]   Widlok, Thomas (1995) : The “irrealis” at work in Hai//om
[21109]   Widlok, Thomas (1996) : Topographical gossip and the indexicality of Hai//om environmental knowledge
[21110]   Widlok, Thomas (1997) : €Akhoe pragmatics, Hai//om identity and the Khoekhoe language
[21111]   Widlok, Thomas (1997) : Orientation in the wild: the shared cognition of Hai//om bushpeople