4 langues concernées

01771Afro-Asiatique > Couchitique > Central > bilin   (byn)
NomsBilin ; Blin ; Blina ~ Blin ; Blinna ~ Blin

22 titres trouvés

[24901]   Appleyard, David L. (2006) : A Comparative Dictionary of the Agaw Languages
[1973]   Begos, Nettabai (2000) : Beginner’s course in Blin language
[5624]   Dombrowski, Franz Amadeus (1984) : Einige Beobachtungen zur Bildung von Verbalstämmen im Bilin
[5625]   Dombrowski, Franz Amadeus (1987) : Leo Reinischs materieller Beitrag zur Bedeutung des Agau, insbesondere des Bilin, für Erforschung der hamitischen und semitischen Sprachen
[5626]   Dombrowski, Franz Amadeus (1988) : Bilin and Awngi verbal systems: a critical evaluation of passive extensions
[24684]   Fallon, Paul D. (2006) : Consonant Mutation and Reduplication in Blin Singulars and Plurals
[24707]   Fallon, Paul D. (2006) : Blin Orthography: A History and an Assessment
[10776]   Kiflemaryam, Hamdé (1986) : The origin and development of Blin
[10778]   Kiflemaryam, Hamdé (1993) : B’lina k’olata ’nd’ba [Blin dictionary]
[10777]   Kiflemaryam, Hamdé & Zeremariam Poulos (1992) : Blin qolat ’endeba/Blin dictionary, with translations in English
[11627]   Lamberti, Marcello (2001) : The expression of prepositional phrases in Bilin
[11623]   Lamberti, Marcello & Livia Tonelli (1997) : The noun system of Bilin
[11624]   Lamberti, Marcello & Livia Tonelli (1997) : Some phonological and morphophonological aspects of Bilin
[16174]   Palmer, Frank R. (1957) : The verb in Bilin
[16175]   Palmer, Frank R. (1958) : The noun in Bilin
[16178]   Palmer, Frank R. (1960) : An outline of Bilin phonology
[16181]   Palmer, Frank R. (1965) : Bilin ‘to be’ and ‘to have’
[16182]   Palmer, Frank R. (1966) : Word classes in Bilin
[19481]   Tekie, Alibekit (1992) : Blina ktabetdi gbra gabuxwdi/Blin language: introductory phonetics and grammar
[19482]   Tekle, Ghiorghis Yohannes Aftay (1992) : Blinna gaaba gug/Blin grammar in Blin language
[21610]   Yosef Gebre-Yohannes (1988) : The structure of simple declarative sentences in Bilin
[21688]   Zaborski, Andrzej (1976) : Consonant apophony and consonant alternation in Bilin plurals