20 langues concernées

01713Afro-Asiatique > Tchadique > Occidental > Angas > goemai   (ank)
NomsAnkwe (Goemai, Ankwei) ; Goemai

9 titres trouvés

[23807]   Hellwig, Birgit (2005) : Serial verb constructions in Goemai
[25323]   Hellwig, Birgit (2011) : The Semantics of Copy Pronouns in Goemai
[25394]   Hellwig, Birgit (2011) : A grammar of Goemai
[25634]   Hellwig, Birgit (2011) : Lexical aspect classes in Goemai (West Chadic)
[26702]   Hellwig, Birgit (2010) : Different types of data: A case study of Goemai demonstratives
[27249]   Hellwig, Birgit (2017) : Verbal number in Goemai (West Chadic)
[11273]   Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume I (“Plateau-Sahel”)
[22790]   Sirlinger, [Father] E. (1937) : Unpublished dictionary of the Goemai language
[22791]   Sirlinger, [Father] E. (1942) : Unpublished grammar of the Goemai language