26 langues concernées

01697Afro-Asiatique > Tchadique > Occidental > Bole > ngamo   (nbh)
NomsGudi Ngamo ; Ngamo

6 titres trouvés

[27314]   Dole, Jibir Audu Janga , Umaru Mamu Goge & Isa Adamu Gashinge (2009) : Ngamo-English-Hausa dictionary
[27753]   Grubic, Mira , Agata Renans & Reginald Akuoko Duah (2019) : Focus, exhaustivity and existence in Akan, Ga and Ngamo
[24331]   Ibriszimow, Dymitr (2006) : On the Verb in Ngamo
[11273]   Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume I (“Plateau-Sahel”)
[18190]   Schuh, Russell Galen (1978) : Bole/Tangale Languages of the Bauchi Area (Northern Nigeria)
[23430]   Schuh, Russell Galen (2005) : Degemination, compensatory lengthening, and gemination in Gudi Ngamo