15 langues concernées

00739Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Grassfields > Ring > isu   (isu)
NomsIsu ; isu

8 titres trouvés

[10774]   Kiessling, Roland (2004) : “The giraffes burst throw emerge climb pass through the roof of the hut”: verbal serialisation in the West Ring languages (Isu, Weh, Aghem)
[25165]   Kiessling, Roland (2010) : Focalisation and defocalisation in Isu
[25527]   Kiessling, Roland (2012) : Extensive is up, intensive is down: the vertical directional background of the adverbials k/ vs. ts/ in Isu
[25935]   Kiessling, Roland (2012) : High vowel reduplication and infix genesis in Isu (West Ring)
[27707]   Kiessling, Roland (2006) : Woher kommen die Infixe im Isu (Kameruner Grasland)?
[25574]   Kiessling, Roland , Britta Neumann & Doreen Schröter (2012) : “What can I offer my child?” – How to impose on others in Isu (Grassfields Bantu)
[25606]   Kiessling, Roland, with the assistance of B.M. Wung (2011) : Verbal Serialisation in Isu (West Ring) – a Grassfields Language of Cameroon
[24323]   Paulin, Pascale (1995) : Etude comparative des langues du groupe Ring - langues Grassfields de l'ouest, Cameroun