174 langues concernées

00729Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Grassfields > Ring > kom   (bkm)
NomsKom ; Nkom ; kom ; mbizinaku

17 titres trouvés

[3349]   Bruens, A. (1942/45) : The structure of Nkom and its relations to Bantu and Sudanic
[3383]   Chia, Emmanuel L. (1983) : The expression of location in Kom
[3384]   Chia, Emmanuel L. (1984) : Guide to the Kom alphabet
[23252]   Hyman, Larry Michael (2005) : Initial vowel and prefix tone in Kom: related to the Bantu augment?
[9988]   Jones, Randy (2001) : Provisional Kom-English lexicon
[23863]   Loh, Christopher Njuakom (2001) : Tonological processes in the Kom verb phrase
[13298]   Mba, Gabriel & Blasius Agha-ah Chiatoh (2003) : Verbal extensions in Kom
[23862]   Moye, Judith Fonyuy (2003) : Reduplication in Kom: a morpho-syntactic study
[15043]   Nges, Chia Emmanuel (1976) : Kom tenses and aspects
[15045]   Nges, Chia Emmanuel (1983) : The expression of location in Kom
[23943]   Ngoin, T. J. (1997) : The internal structure of the noun phrase in Kom
[24323]   Paulin, Pascale (1995) : Etude comparative des langues du groupe Ring - langues Grassfields de l'ouest, Cameroun
[18440]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[23255]   Shultz, George (1997) : Kom language: grammar sketch
[23533]   Trudell, Barbara Louise (2005) : The power of the local: education choices and language maintenance among the Bafut, Kom and Nso’ communities of north west Cameroon
[21225]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[23946]   Yuh, Peter (1986) : The noun class system of Kom