12 langues concernées

00473Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Bantu > Bantu S > sotho nord   (nso)
NomsCilubà ; Hananwa ; Kutswe ; Lobedu ; Lovedu ; Lovelu ; N. Sotho ; Noord-Shotho ; Noord-Sotho ; Noord-Sotho ; Noord-Sotho ~ Northern Sotho ; Noord-Sotho ~ Sesotho ~ Northern Sotho ; Nord-Sotho ; North Sotho ; Northern Sotho ; Pai ; Pedi-Transvaal-Suto ; Phalaborwa ; Pulana ; Sepedi ; Sepedi ~ Noord-Sotho ; Sepedi ~ Northern Sotho ; Sepêdi ; Sotho ; Sotho (Noord) ; Transvaal Sotho ; Transvaal-Sotho ~ Sepedi ; nord-suthu

240 titres trouvés

[22169]   [Anonymous] (1967) : Noord-Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga: wysiginge in die ortografiëe
[22201]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Northern Sotho terminology and orthography 3
[22330]   [Anonymous] (1988) : Northern Sotho terminology and orthography 4
[22348]   [Anonymous] (1991) : South African multi-language dictionary and phrase book: English, Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, Sesotho, Tswana, Xhosa, and Zulu
[1562]   Barnard, R. (1987) : Die situatief in Noord-Sotho
[1564]   Barnard, R. (1988) : Relationship between situative and relative in Northern Sotho
[2197]   Berg, A. S. (1994) : Taalafwykings van ’n proefgroep Noord-Sothoskoolleerlinge van Mamelodi
[2325]   Beyer, Gottfried A. (1920) : Handbook of the Pedi-Transvaal-Suto language: practical grammar with exercises, phrases, dialogues and vocabularies
[2326]   Beyer, Gottfried A. (1925/26) : Sotho-Vogelnamen
[2327]   Beyer, Gottfried A. (1927) : Arzneipflanzen der Sotho-Neger: ein Beitrag zur südafrikanischer Materia Medica
[3630]   Calteaux, K. V. (1987) : Die demonstratief in Noord-Sotho
[5296]   Diale, Makhanese Pienaar (2004) : The application of suffixes to Northern Sotho words: a morphological and semantic study
[28076]   Du Preez, Petronella Maria (1997) : Deiksis in Noord-Sotho
[6077]   Eiselen, W. W. M. (1928/29) : Zur Erforschung des Lovelu-Dialektes
[6219]   Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1939) : Handleiding by die aanleer van Transvaal-Sotho (Sepedi)
[6222]   Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1943) : Palatalisering en labialisering in Sepedi
[6225]   Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1961) : Die affrikate van Nord-Sotho: ’n bydrae tot die vraagstuk rakende die fonematiese saamgesteldheid van die affrikate in Sotho
[6226]   Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1964) : Some morpho-phonological changes incident with the phoneme combination CVV, as observed in Northern Sotho
[6227]   Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1966) : ’n Voorlopige ondersoek na aspekverskynsels in Noord-Sotho
[6228]   Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1966) : Die junktuurverskynsel as foneem: ’n bydrae tot die identifisering van die foneme in Noord-Sotho
[6355]   Esterhuyse, C. J. (1974) : Die ontwikkeling van die Noord-Sothoskryftaal
[6356]   Esterhuyse, C. J. (1975) : Die ontwikkeling van die skryftekenstelsel van Noord-Sotho
[25997]   Faaß, Gertrud , Ulrich Heid , Elsabe Taljard & Danie Prinsloo (2009) : Part-of-Speech Tagging of Northern Sotho: Disambiguating Polysemous Function Words
[6560]   Ferreira, Jan Abraham (1948) : Klank- en vormleer van Lovedu
[6890]   Franz, Gottfried Heinrich (1931) : Thellenyane: ’n handleiding van Noord-Sotho vir beginners in Afrikaans
[7169]   Gerber, Hendri H. (2000) : Woordeboek Afrikaans - Noord-Sotho/Pukuntshu Seburu - Sesotho sa Leboa
[7420]   Goslin, B. du P. (1983) : ’n Vakdidaktiek Noord-Sotho vir die sekondêre skool
[7750]   Grobbelaar, J. C. (1952) : Junior Sepedi: ’n handleiding met oefeninge vir die aanleer van Noord-Sotho vir standerd 7 en standerd 8
[7753]   Grobler, G. M. M. (1991) : Die kort drietalige sakwoordeboek/The concise trilingual pocket dictionary: Afrikaans-Northern Sotho-English/English-Northern Sotho-Afrikaans
[7755]   Groenewald, P. S. (1960) : Morfologiese verdubbeling in Noord-Sotho
[7758]   Groenewald, P. S. (2002) : Sepedi versleer: funksies van herhaling en segmentele rym
[8225]   Harman, F. J. N. & others (1981) : Pula 1: Noord-Sothotaalkunde/Northern Sotho grammar
[8226]   Harman, F. J. N. & others (1983) : Pula 2: Noord-Sothotaalkunde/Northern Sotho grammar
[8290]   Hartshorne, Kenneth B. , J. H. A. Swart & Edgar Posselt (1984) : Dictionary of Basic English - N. Sotho across the curriculum
[8460]   Heerden, P. W. van (1953) : Taalleerboeke en Noord-Sotho vir Transvaalse middelbare skole vir Blanke kinders tot 1951
[8644]   Herbert, Robert K. & Senna Bogatsu (1990) : Changes in Northern Sotho and Tswana personal pronouns
[9781]   Janson, Tore (1982) : A bibliography of Setswana, Sepedi and Sesotho, 1945-1981
[10642]   Kellerman, Esther Elizabeth (2004) : ’n Linguistiese ondersoek na die tradisionele kleurterme van Noord-Sotho
[10695]   Kganakga, Thobakgale Johannes (2004) : Agreement in Northern Sotho constructions: a morphological and semantic study
[17060]   Kgosana, Ivy Mamoyahabo (2005) : Aspects of pronominalisation in Northern Sotho
[11057]   Kock, J. H. M. (1981) : Onreëlmatige verskynsels by die werkwoordelike relatief in Noord-Sotho
[11063]   Kock, J. H. M. (1984) : Relatiefomskrywing in Noord-Sotho
[11065]   Kock, J. H. M. (1992) : Relatiefomskrywing in die Suid-Afrikaanse Bantoetale, met besondere verwysing na Noord-Sotho
[11066]   Kock, J. H. M. (1997) : The redundancy principle: relative description in Northern Sotho
[11067]   Kock, J. H. M. (2000) : Variation in Northern Sotho adjective constructions
[11060]   Kock, J. H. M. & S. D. Kock (1983) : Noord-Sotho vir Standerd 6
[11061]   Kock, J. H. M. & S. D. Kock (1983) : Noord-Sotho vir Standerd 7
[11062]   Kock, J. H. M. & S. D. Kock (1983) : Noord-Sotho vir Standerd 8
[11064]   Kock, J. H. M. & S. D. Kock (1986) : Noord-Sotho vir Standerd 9 en 10
[11149]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (1981) : Economy in the verbal relative construction in Northern Sotho
[11150]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (1985) : Die ‘onvoltooidheids-a’ in Noord-Sotho
[11151]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (1987) : A survey of Northern Sotho grammatical descriptions since 1876
[11152]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (1988) : ‘Imperfect tense-a’ of Northern Sotho revisited
[11153]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (1993) : A historical perspective on Northern Sotho linguistics
[11154]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (1998) : Thoughts on suppletion in Northern Sotho
[11155]   Kosch, Ingeborg M. (2003) : Sandhi under the spotlight
[11173]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1985) : Herinterpretasie van die betekenis van demonstratiewe in Noord-Sotho
[11174]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1987) : Dealing with nasals within the phonological system of Northern Sotho: another alternative
[11176]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1987) : Die fonologiese sisteem van Hananwa
[11177]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1988) : Morfologie van nie-predikatiewe woorde en konstruksies in Hananwa
[11178]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1989) : An introduction to Northern Sotho phonetics and phonology
[11180]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1992) : Die morfologie van predikatiewe woorde in Hananwa
[11181]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1993) : Die kopulatief in Hananwa
[11182]   Kotzé, Albert E. (1995) : ’n Fonologiese en morfologiese beskrywing van Lobedu
[11185]   Kotzé, Albert E. (2001) : Prominent features of Lobedu nouns and pronouns
[23398]   Kotzé, Albert E. (2005) : Towards a morphological analyser for past tense forms in Northern Sotho: verb stems with final ‘m’ and ‘n’
[24656]   Kotzé, Albert E. & Sabine Zerbian (2008) : On the Trigger of Palatalization in the Sotho languages
[28073]   Kotze, Albert Ewald (1995) : Fonologiese en morfologiese beskrywing van Lobedu
[11169]   Kotzé, N. J. (1957) : Noord-Sotho - Afrikaans; Afrikaans - Noord-Sotho woordelys: met ’n byvoegsel van sotho-vakterminologie vir die gebruik in Bantoeskole
[23399]   Kotzé, Petronella Maria (2005) : Towards a finite-state network for Northern Soptho deverbative nouns: the morphosyntactic rules
[11293]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1966) : Pukantshu: Noord-Sotho - Afrikaans, Afrikaans - Noord-Sotho
[11294]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1967) : The new Northern Sotho - English dictionary
[11295]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1967) : The new English - Northern Sotho dictionary
[11296]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1971) : Popular Northern Sotho pocket dictionary: Northern Sotho - English, English - Northern Sotho
[11297]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1976) : Popular Northern Sotho dictionary: Northern Sotho - English, English - Northern Sotho
[11298]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1976) : The new English - Northern Sotho dictionary: Northern Sotho - English, English - Northern Sotho
[11299]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1977) : Pukuntshu: Noord-Sotho - Afrikaans, Afrikaans - Noord-Sotho
[11300]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1983) : Pukuntshu woordeboek: Noord-Sotho - Afrikaans, Afrikaans - Noord-Sotho
[11301]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes (1988) : Popular Northern Sotho dictionary: Northern Sotho - English - Northern Sotho
[11303]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes , Daniël Jacobus Prinsloo & Bethuel P. Sathekge (1997) : Popular Northern Sotho dictionary: Northern Sotho - English, English - Northern Sotho
[11302]   Kriel, Theunis Johannes , Egidius B. van Wyk & Bethuel P. Sathekge (1989) : Pukuntshu woordeboek: Noord-Sotho-Afrikaans, Afrikaans-Noord-Sotho
[11388]   Krüger, Casper J. H. (1958) : Morfologie van die naamwoordelike woordsoorte in Noord-Sotho
[11377]   Kruger, W. J. (1970) : Die transfonologisasie van afrikaanse leenwoorde in Noord-Sotho
[23501]   Lekganyane, Diapo Nelson (2002) : Lexicographic perspectives on the use of Sepedi as a high function language
[11959]   Lepota, Biki (2002) : Exploring the ‘conditional mood’ in Northern Sotho
[12097]   Lestrade, Gérard Paul (1930) : The practical orthography of Transvaal Sotho
[12274]   Lombard, Dann P. (1968) : Dictionaries in Northern Sotho
[12275]   Lombard, Dann P. (1969) : Die morfologie van deverbatiewe naamwoorde in Noord-Sotho
[12276]   Lombard, Dann P. (1970) : Dictionaries in Northern Sotho
[12277]   Lombard, Dann P. (1976) : Aspekte van toon in Noord-Sotho
[12278]   Lombard, Dann P. (1977) : ’n Diakronies-tonologiese ontleding van enkele werkwoordstrukture in Noord-Sotho
[12280]   Lombard, Dann P. (1978) : A diachronic-tonological analysis of certain rank shifted verbal structures in Northern Sotho
[12281]   Lombard, Dann P. (1978) : Die laterale konsonante van Noord-Sotho
[12282]   Lombard, Dann P. (1980) : Duur en lengte in Noord-Sotho: ’n verkenningstudie
[12283]   Lombard, Dann P. (1982) : On the places of articulations and obstruction in articulatory phonetics with reference to some Northern Sotho consonants
[22802]   Lombard, Dann P. (1977/78) : Aspekte van toon in Noord-Sotho
[12284]   Lombard, Dann P. , Egidius B. van Wyk & Pothinus C. Mokgokong (1985) : Introduction to the grammar of Northern Sotho
[12285]   Lombard, Dann P. , Egidius B. van Wyk & Pothinus C. Mokgokong (1985) : Inleiding tot die grammatika van Noord-Sotho
[12286]   Lombard, Dann P. , R. Barnard & G. M. M. Grobler (1992) : Sediba: practical list of words and expressions in Northern Sotho/praktiese lys van woorde en uitdrukkings in Noord-Sotho
[12376]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1971) : Die meerwoudsmorfeem -ng in die Noord-Sothowerkwoord
[12377]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1974) : Die meerwoudsmorfeem -ng by werkwoorde in Noord-Sotho
[12378]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1975) : Enumeratiewe as ’n onproduktiewe klas in Noord-Sotho
[12379]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1976) : Oor die sogenaamde situatief van Noord-Sotho: ’n voorlopige probleemstelling
[12380]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1977) : Die fonetiese sisteem van Lobedu
[12381]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1978) : A semantic interpretation of Northern Sotho subjunctives and the subordinator gore
[12382]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1978) : Enkele morfologiese verskynsels in Lobedu
[12384]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1979) : Naamwoordfunksies in Noord-Sotho
[12386]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1981) : The relevance of the notions ‘given’ and ‘new’ discourse information in the study of North Sotho syntax
[12388]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1982) : Remarks on some grammatical and pragmatic functions of the object concord in Northern Sotho
[12389]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1983) : Definiteness and indefiniteness in Northern Sotho
[12390]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1983) : ’n Funksionele interpretasie van enkele sintaktiese in Noord-Sotho
[12391]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1985) : Contrastiveness and the so-called absolute pronoun in Northern Sotho
[12393]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1987) : Some pragmatic functions of interrogative particles in Northern Sotho
[12396]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1990) : Mood and modality in Northern Sotho
[12397]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1991) : Aspects of Northern Sotho
[12398]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1991) : A functional interpretation of some agreement phenomena in Northern Sotho
[12399]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1992) : The conceptualization of spatial relationships as expressed by locative structures in Northern Sotho
[12400]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1993) : Northern Sotho colour terms and semantic universals
[12401]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1994) : Aspect as an essential subcategory of the verb in Northern Sotho
[12402]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1994) : Dictionary of Northern Sotho grammatical terms
[12404]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1995) : Northern Sotho consecutive and habitual: mood, tense or aspect?
[12405]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1996) : On the occurence of progressive -sa- in Northern Sotho verbs of state
[12406]   Louwrens, Louis J. (1996) : Noord-Sotho planttaksnonomie: ’n etnobiologiese perspektief
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[12403]   Louwrens, Louis J. , Ingeborg M. Kosch & Albert E. Kotzé (1995) : Northern Sotho
[12803]   Makhado, J. T. (1976) : The pronoun in Venda and Northern Sotho: a comparative morphological, syntactic and semantic study
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[12829]   Makwela, A. O. (1973) : The role played by the phoneme, morpheme and the word in the semology of Northern Sotho
[12882]   Mampuru, Deborah M. (1991) : The habitual mood in Northern Sotho
[12975]   Mangoale, Paulina (2004) : Reflections of gender inequalities and stereotypes in the Northern Sotho proverbs
[13119]   Mashabela, P. H. D. (1973) : The relative in Northern Sotho
[13345]   Mburente, R. & André Coupez (1980) : Phonologie historique du nord-suthu
[13673]   Meso, Choene Gregory (2004) : The presentation of synonyms in the macrostructure of Northern Sotho-English bilingual dictionaries
[13901]   Moabelo, Daniel Boy (2004) : The impact of pronominalisation on communication, with special reference to Northern Sotho
[13973]   Mojapelo, Mampaka (2003) : The external arguments of weather verbs in Northern Sotho
[13974]   Mojela, V. M. (1999) : Prestige terminology and its consequences in the development in Northern Sotho vocabulary
[13976]   Mokgokong, Pothinus C. (1966) : A dialect geographical survey of the phonology of the Northern Sotho area
[13977]   Mokgokong, Pothinus C. (1968) : Classification of Northern Sotho dialects
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[14006]   Molokoane, Emelda Mmabatho (2004) : The interrogative in Northern Sotho: a study of the relation between form and meaning
[15267]   Nkondo, Curtis P. N. (1973) : The adjective in Tsonga and Northern Sotho
[12294]   Nong, Salmina , Gilles-Maurice de Schryver & Daniël Jacobus Prinsloo (2002) : Loan words versus indigenous words in Northern Sotho: a lexicographic perspective
[16439]   Phala, Nchine Isaac (2002) : Antonymy in Northern Sotho
[23394]   Plessis, J. A. du & Marianna W. Visser (1996) : Northern Sotho syntax
[16678]   Ponelis, F. A. (1973) : Studies in Northern Sotho phonological dynamics
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[16747]   Poulos, George & Louis J. Louwrens (1994) : A linguistic analysis of Northern Sotho
[16788]   Preez, Petronella M. du (1991) : Die possessief in Nord-Sotho
[16789]   Preez, Petronella M. du (1993) : The syntax and semantics of part-whole relationships in Northern Sotho
[16790]   Preez, Petronella M. du (1993) : Die gemarkeerde possessiewe konstruksie in Noord-Sotho
[16791]   Preez, Petronella M. du (1997) : Deiksis in Noord-Sotho
[22735]   Pretorius, Willem Jacobus (2005) : ’n Dimensionele grammatiese beskrywing van hulpwerkwoorde in Noord-Sotho
[16822]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1979) : Lokatiefvorming in Noord-Sotho
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[16849]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1984) : Woordvolgorde en volgordeverandering in Noord-Sotho
[16851]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1985) : Semantiese analise van die vraagpartikels na en afa in Noord-Sotho
[16852]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1986) : Ontwikkeling van prefikse, suffikse en voorstetsels in Noord-Sotho
[16853]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1987) : Perspektief op pronominalisasie in Noord-Sotho
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[16856]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1989) : Invloed van diskoersfaktore en taaltipologiese verandering op die sintaksis van vraagwoorde in Noord-Sotho
[16857]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1991) : Towards computer-based word frequency studies of Northern Sotho
[16858]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1992) : Prescriptiveness versus descriptiveness: an approach for Northern Sotho lexicography
[16859]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1992) : Lemmatization of reflexives in Northern Sotho
[16860]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1992) : Woordeboek van die Nord-Sothotaal
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[16867]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus (1998) : Northern Sotho dictionary project
[16865]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus & Bethuel P. Sathekge (1996) : New Sepedi dictionary: English-Sepedi (Northern Sotho), Sepedi (Northern Sotho)-English
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[16868]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus & Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (1999) : The lemmatization of nouns in African languages with special reference to Sepedi and Cilubà
[16869]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus & Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (2002) : Reversing an African-language lexicon: the ‘Northern Sotho Terminology and Orthography No 4’ as a case in point
[16864]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus & R. H. Gouws (1996) : Formulating a new dictionary convention for the lemmatization of verbs in Northern Sotho
[16866]   Prinsloo, Daniël Jacobus , Bethuel P. Sathekge & Lizeth Kapp (1997) : Nuwe Sededi woordeboek: Afrikaans-Sepedi (Noord-Sotho), Sepedi (Noord-Sotho)-Afrikaans
[16863]   Prinsloo, Karel P. (1994) : The application of lexicographical principles for different types of dictionaries for Northern Sotho
[28061]   Ramajela, Matshediso Carnes (2011) : A case study of some social varieties of Northern Sotho and their impact on the standard variety
[18149]   Schrijver, Gilles-Maurice de & Biki Lepota (2001) : The lexicographic treatment of days in Sepedi, or when mother-tongue intuition fails
[5070]   Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de & Biki Lepota (2001) : The lexicographic treatment of days in Sepedi, or: When mother-tongue intuition fails
[18166]   Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de & Daniël Jacobus Prinsloo (2001) : Corpus-based activities versus initiation-based compilations by lexicographers: the Sepedi lemma-sign list as a case in point
[23207]   Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de & Daniël Jacobus Prinsloo (2001) : Towards a sound lemmatisation strategy for the Bantu verb through the use of frequency-based tal slots, with special reference to Cilubà, Sepedi, and Kiswahili
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[18310]   Sekhukhune, Phatudi D. (1986) : Pragmatics of discourse in Northern Sotho: a functional approach
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[18316]   Selokela, Mokgadi Rosemary (2004) : Treatment of idioms and proverbail expression in the Northern Sotho dictionaries: an exploratory study
[18337]   Sepota, Moloko (2000) : The morphological, semantic and syntactic significance of the Northern Sotho applied suffix
[18338]   Sepota, Moloko (2001) : The overloading of Northern Sotho prepositions
[18914]   Staden, W. J. van (1988) : Rang- en kategorieverskuiwing in Noord-Sotho met spesiale verwysing na die bywoord en die voegwoord
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[19084]   Steyn, Elna C. (1991) : Vraagwoorde en vraagpartikels in Noord-Sotho
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