15 langues concernées

00118Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Beboïde > missong   (mij)
NomsAbar ; Missong ; Mungbam

7 titres trouvés

[27671]   Blench, Roger M. (2008) : Beboid composite
[26236]   Di Carlo, Pierpaolo (2011) : Lower Fungom Linguistic Diversity and its Historical Development: Proposals from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
[28001]   Good, Jeff & Jesse Lovegren (2017) : Remarks on the nasal classes in Mungbam and Naki
[26237]   Good, Jeff , Jesse Lovegren , Jean Patrick Mve , Carine Nganguep Tchiemouo , Rebecca Voll & Pierpaolo Di Carlo (2011) : The Languages of the Lower Fungom Region of Cameroon: Grammatical Overview
[8139]   Hamm, Cameron , Jason Diller , Kari Jordan-Diller & Ferdinand Assako a Tiati (2001) : A rapid appraisal survey of western Beboid languages (Menchum Division, Northwest Province) ALCAM [876, 877, 878, 879]
[26140]   Lovegren, Jesse (2012) : Stem-Initial Prominence in Mungbam
[27298]   Lovegren, Jesse (2013) : Mungbam Grammar