99 langues concernées

9 titres trouvés

[22127]   [Anonymous] (1958) : Runyoro-Rutooro orthography rules
[28240]   Bickmore, Lee (2019) : Liquid realization in Rutooro
[28329]   Bickmore, Lee S. (2021) : Unaltered morphemes as phonological triggers and targets in Rutooro
[6214]   Empaako, (1991) : An agent of social harmony in Runyoro/Rutooro
[26149]   Isingoma, Bebwa (2012) : Triadic Constructions in Rutooro
[27394]   Kaji, Shigeki (2017) : On the intransitive usage of transitive verbs in Tooro, a Bantu language of Western Uganda
[27399]   Kaji, Shigeki (2007) : A Rutooro vocabulary
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[17570]   Rubongoya, L. T. (1999) : A modern Runyoro-Rutooro grammar