Une seule langue concernée

7 titres trouvés

[22]   Abbink, Jon (1993) : Suri-English basic vocabulary
[26507]   Abbink, Jon , Michael Bryant & Daniel Bambu (2013) : Suri Orature: Introduction to the Society, Language and Oral Culture of the Suri people (Southwest Ethiopia).
[27191]   Bryant, Michael , Barari Siralugu , Kite Siralugu , Barlusa Olekurɔbhatɔ & Olerɛghɛ Munyagi (2011) : A Brief Grammar of the Suri Language
[7281]   Girard, Tim (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey report of abortive Suri
[7278]   Girard, Tim & M. Middleton (1993) : Report of abortive Suri survey
[13927]   Moges Yigezu (1998) : Women in society and female speech among the Suri of south-western Ethiopia
[20188]   Unseth, Peter (1997) : Disentangling the two languages called “Suri”