3 langues concernées

10 titres trouvés

[29097]   Asiimwe, Allen (2023) : On the expression of mirativity in Rukiga
[28341]   Asiimwe, Allen & Jenneke van der Wal (2021) : The multifunctionality of -o in Rukiga: pronoun, contrastive topic, and mirative marker
[10327]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1971) : Runyankore/Rukiga instructions
[13772]   Miehe, Gudrun & Manuel John Kamugisha Muranga (2000) : Die Proto-Bantu-Lautentsprechungen im Rukiga [Ruciga]
[28704]   Mpairwe, Y. & G. K. Kahangi (2013) : Runyankore-Rukiga Grammar - A Modern Student's Guide
[18264]   Scott, J. P. L. (1956) : Report on the Runyankore-Rukiga orthographic conference, Mbarara, 1954
[19435]   Taylor, Charles V. (1955) : Runyankore/Rukiga-English dictionary
[19436]   Taylor, Charles V. (1959) : A simplified Runyankore-Rukiga-English and English-Runyankore-Rukiga dictionary (in the 1955 revised orthography with tone-markings and full entries under prefixes)
[19438]   Taylor, Charles V. (1960) : A teacher’s handbook of Runyankore-Rukiga orthography
[27874]   van der Wal, Jenneke & Allen Asiimwe (2020) : The Tonal Residue of the Conjoint/Disjoint Alternation in Rukiga