7 langues concernées

20 titres trouvés

[490]   Alemayehu Abebe (2001) : Sociolinguistic survey report of the Ometo dialect of Ethiopia
[492]   Alemayehu Abebe (2002) : Ometo dialect pilot survey report
[498]   Alemayehu Haile (1993) : Ometo dialect survey: a pilot survey report
[499]   Alemayehu Haile (1993) : Ometo dialect survey: second phase survey report
[501]   Alemayehu Haile (1993) : [Survey of the Ometo area]
[1214]   Amha, Azeb (1996) : Aspects of the verb in Ometo
[7276]   Girard, Tim (1993) : Lexico-phonostatistical analysis of Alemayehu Abebe’s Ometo wordlists
[22990]   Girard, Tim (2002) : Lexico-phonostatistical analysis of Alemayehu Abebe’s Ometo word lists
[8380]   Hayward, Richard J. (1987) : Terminal vowels in Ometo nominals
[8385]   Hayward, Richard J. (1989) : The notion of ‘default gender’: a key to interpreting the evolution of certain verb paradigms in East Ometo, and its implications for Omotic
[8404]   Hayward, Richard J. (1998) : The origins of the North Ometo verb agreement systems
[8408]   Hayward, Richard J. (1999) : East Ometo verb paradigms: the grammaticalization of a syntactic pattern?
[8411]   Hayward, Richard J. (2001) : A further consideration of terminal vowels in Ometo
[8864]   Hirut Wolde-Mariam (2003) : Grammar of Haro, with comparative notes on the Ometo linguistic group
[27100]   Hirut Wolde-Mariam (2005) : Notes on the North Ometo Dialects: Mutual Intelligibility Tests and Structural Variations
[27448]   Jordan, Linda (2009) : A study of Shara and related Ometo speech varieties of Ethiopia
[26580]   Köhler, Bernhard (2013) : Interrogative zero-marking in some Ometo languages
[14085]   Moreno, Martino Mario (1938) : Introduzione alla lingua ometo
[19170]   Straube, Helmut (1957) : Das Dualsystem und die Halaka-Verfassung der Ometo-Völker Südäthiopiens
[21697]   Zaborski, Andrzej (1984) : Remarks on the verb in Ometo