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13 titres trouvés

[849]   Angenot, Jean-Pierre & Wamushiya Ilunga Mukubi (1973) : Aspects de la grammaire générative et transformationelle de la langue akoose du Cameroun
[848]   Angenot, Jean-Pierre , Wamushiya Ilunga Mukubi & Jacques L. Vincke (1973) : Introduction to a theory of marking and transposition in language: a transformational anti-grammar of the Koose language of Cameroon
[26684]   Ekanjume, Beatrice (2008) : The Phonological Phrase as a prosodic domain in Akóóse
[8441]   Hedinger, Robert (1977) : The noun classes of Akoose (Bakossi)
[8442]   Hedinger, Robert (1980) : The noun classes of Akoose (Bakossi)
[8445]   Hedinger, Robert (1981) : Pronouns in Akoose
[8447]   Hedinger, Robert (1983) : Locatives in Akoose (Bakossi)
[8449]   Hedinger, Robert (1984) : Reported speech in Akoose
[8450]   Hedinger, Robert (1985) : The verb in Akoose
[8453]   Hedinger, Robert (1992) : Verbal extensions in Akoose: their form, meaning and valency changes
[26076]   Hedinger, Robert (2008) : A Grammar of Akoose: A Northwest Bantu Language
[26075]   Hedinger, Robert (compiled by) (2020) : Akoose-English Dictionary
[8440]   Hedinger, Robert & Sylvia Hedinger (1977) : Phonology of Akóósé (Bakossi)