99 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[9652]   Issae, W. A. (1975?) : Tenses in Gweno
[14398]   Mreta, Abel Yamwaka (1990) : The problem of Bantu linguistic affiliation: the case of Chasu, Kigweno, Kikahe and Kirombo
[14400]   Mreta, Abel Yamwaka (2000) : The nature and effects of Chasu-Kigweno contact
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[16454]   Philippson, Gérard & Derek Nurse (2000) : Gweno, a little known Bantu language of northern Tanzania
[21356]   Winter, Jürgen Christoph (1992) : 175 years of language shift in Gweno