21 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[24553]   Caron, Bernard (2002) : Notes de terrains sur les langues sud-Bauchi
[8292]   Haruna, Andrew (1981) : Some aspects of Guruntun phonology
[8293]   Haruna, Andrew (1989) : Field notes on Guruntum, Hausa, Bura and Margi
[8297]   Haruna, Andrew (1997) : Separable aspect markers in Gùrdùn (Gùrùntùm)
[8299]   Haruna, Andrew (2003) : A grammatical outline of Gùrdùn/Gùrùntùm (southern Bauchi, Nigeria)
[9744]   Jaggar, Philip John (1988) : Guruntum (gùrdùng) (West Chadic-B): linguistic notes and wordlist