19 langues concernées

61 titres trouvés

[507]   [Anonymous] (1993) : Manuel de fulfulde
[22193]   [Anonymous] (1971) : Dictionnaire elementaire fulfulde-français-anglais
[22280]   [Anonymous] (1982) : Bibliographie fulfuldé
[22347]   [Anonymous] (1991) : A Fulfulde-English dictionary
[24007]   [Anonymous] (1999) : Lexique des mathématiques français-fulfude
[17]   Abba, Isa Alkali , Ibrahim Mukoshi & Gidado Tahir (Ed) (1991) : Studies in Fulfulde language
[140]   Abu-Manga, Al-Amin (1986) : Fulfulde in the Sudan: process of adaption to Arabic
[141]   Abu-Manga, Al-Amin & Herrmann Jungraithmayr (1988) : On the middle voice in African languages (Fulfulde and Somali)
[1366]   Baldi, Sergio (1992) : Arabic loanwords in Hausa via Kanuri and Fulfulde
[24572]   Baumbach, Jean Marie (1997) : A Brief Linguistic Sketch of Wodaabe Fulfulde Including Consonant Alternation
[24392]   Bautista, Andreliz , Hamadou Boukari & Moussa G. (1991) : Dictionnaire de fulfulde ; traineeʼs book
[3219]   Breedveld, Anneke (1988) : Nasal-plosive sequences in Fulfulde
[3220]   Breedveld, J. O. (1995) : Form and meaning in Fulfulde: a morphonological study of Maasinankore
[24914]   Breedveld, J.O. (1995) : The semantic basis of noun class systems: the case of the Ki and Nge classes in Fulfulde
[25554]   Cissé, Ibrahima A.H. & Nathalie Vallée (2012) : Fulfulde and Bambara syllables in typological and universal perspectives – Interactions between tautosyllabic segments and the effects of consonants
[5297]   Diall, Gouro Hamsamba (199-) : Paradigmatika i funksionirovanije pronominalnoj sistemy: na materiale fulfulde
[5635]   Donald, W. O. , D. D. David & J. I. David jnr (1993) : Lexique fulfulde-anglais-français
[6015]   Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa (Ed) (1974) : Fulfulde (West Africa, northern Camerounian dialect)
[6016]   Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa (Ed) (1986) : An English-Fulfulde dictionary
[6439]   Fagerberg-Diallo, Sonja Marie (1984) : A practical guide and reference grammar to the Fulfulde of Maasina
[6442]   Fagerli, Ole T. (1993) : Affix order in Fulfulde and the scope in interpretation
[6443]   Fagerli, Ole T. (1994) : Verbal derivations in Fulfulde
[6453]   Fakuade, Gbenga , Matudi Gambo & Abdullahi Bashir (2003) : Language shift from mother tongue towards Fulfulde in Adamawa State, Nigeria: causes and consequences
[6988]   Gajdos, Martina (2004) : Fulfulde: Lehrbuch einer westafrikanischen Sprache
[26329]   Gajdos, Martina (2000) : Praktisches Wörterbuch Deutsch-Fulfulde, Fulfulde-Deutsch
[25793]   Girei, Abubakar Umar (2009) : Hausa loanwords in Adamawa Fulfulde: A question of prestige or sociolinguistic necessity
[22846]   Harrison, Anette Renée (2004) : The use of proper nouns as an index of group identity in Fulfulde personal narratives
[8277]   Harrison, Anette Renée & Irene Tucker (2003) : Fulfulde language family report
[8741]   Heusing, Gerald (1999) : Aspects of the morphology-syntax interface in four Nigerian languages
[25879]   Hollingsworth, Judith H. & Kenneth R. Hollingsworth (Eds) (2008) : Dictionnaire Mofu-Gudur – Français – Fulfulde. Mofu-Gudur – French – Fulfulde Dictionary
[11641]   Lang, Karl (1921/22) : Die Explosiva und der Nasal der Qualität und Quantität im Fulfulde
[11849]   Leger, Rudolf (1998) : Noun classes in Fulfulde
[11848]   Leger, Rudolf (Ed) (1997) : Fulfulde-Studien/Fula studies
[13398]   McIntosh, Mary (1984) : Fulfulde syntax and verbal morphology
[572]   Mohamadou, Aliou (1985) : La morphologie du constituant nominal en fulfulde, parler de l’Adamawa
[13931]   Mohamadou, Aliou (1985) : La morphologie du constituant nominal en fulfulde, parlers de l’Aadamaawa
[13948]   Mohammad, Abubakar B. (1987) : A linguistic study of the nativization of english loan words in Gombe Fulfude
[13949]   Mohammad, Abubakar B. (1997) : The assimilation of English loan words into Fulfulde
[14535]   Mukoshy, I. M. (1984) : The sounds and morphemes of Fulfulde: an examination of Fulfulde phonology and morphology
[15327]   Noss, Philip A. (1991) : The tense system of Fulfulde
[16013]   Osborn, W. Donald , David J. Dwyer & Joseph I. Donoho jnr (1993) : Fulfulde (Maasina) English French lexicon
[27872]   Parietti Giuseppe (avec la collaboration de Henry Tourneux) (2018) : Dictionnaire fulfulde-français / français-fulfulde (Dialecte peul du Diamaré, Cameroun)
[16323]   Pelletier, Corinne A. & A. Neil Skinner (1981) : Adamawa Fulfulde: an introductory course
[26332]   Rabier, Denis & Aboubacar Dicko (2005) : Dictionnaire français fulfulde du Sahel Burkinabé
[27568]   Reichardt, Charles Augustus Ludwig (1878) : The Fulde language
[17310]   Rockholtz, Christiane (1989) : Zur Entlehnung und morphologischen Intergration von Hausawörtern in das Fulfulfe
[27567]   Smith, Richard & Mrs Smith (2016) : Fulfulde Burkina Faso
[18831]   Sow, Alfâ Ibrâhîm (1971) : Dictionnaire élémentaire fulfulde-francais-anglais
[18833]   Sow, Alfâ Ibrâhîm (1981) : Les procédés d’intensification en fulfulde (parlers peuls de Guinée)
[25024]   Sow, Alfâ Ibrâhîm (1966) : Remarques sur les infixes de dérivation dans le fulfulde du Foûta-Djalon (Guinée)
[23477]   Spidahl, Rodney James (2004) : Fulbe identity in community: an analysis of pulaaku discourse in North Cameroon
[27444]   St Croix, F. W. de (1998) : Fulfulde-English dictionary
[25256]   Sweetman, Gary (1981) : Lexique français - fali - fulfulde
[19425]   Taylor, Frank William (1921) : A first grammar of the Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language (Fulfulde)
[19433]   Taylor, Frank William (1953) : Grammar of the Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language
[26926]   Tourneux, Henry (2014) : Les vestiges du lexique soninke dans le fulfulde du Diamaré (Cameroun)
[22862]   Vallette, René (1985) : Un morphème de classe supplementaire en fulfulde (dialecte du jelgooji, Burkina Faso)
[22863]   Vallette, René (1988) : La focalisation en fulfulde
[21401]   Wolf, Paul Polydoor de (1994) : English-Fula dictionary: a multilingual approach (Fulfulde, Pulaar, Fulani)
[24889]   Ziegelmeyer, Georg (2008) : Aspekte adverbialer Subordination im Hausa, Fulfulde und Kanuri
[25175]   Ziegelmeyer, Georg (2009) : Negation of non-indicative mood in Hausa, Fulfulde and Kanuri