56 langues concernées

85 titres trouvés

[552]   Ali, Saeed & Yèro Sylla (1977) : Perceptual transparency and relativization: a case study in Fula
[765]   Anderson, Stephen R. (1976) : On the description of consonant gradation in Fula
[974]   Ard, Josh (1979) : A comparative and historical study of locative-based periphrastic verbal forms in Fula dialects
[1018]   Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1978) : The development of Fulani studies: a linguist’s view
[1030]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1956) : The middle voice in Fula
[1031]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1957) : Proverbial lore and word-play of the Fulani
[1033]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1960) : Some features of the nominal class systems of Fulani in Nigeria, Dahomey and Niger
[1034]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1961) : The subjunctive in Fula: a study of the relation between meaning and syntax
[1036]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1965) : Sentence intonation in the Gombe dialect of Fula
[1037]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1966) : Nominal groups in Fula
[1038]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1967) : Some reflections on the content of individual classes in Fula and Tiv
[1039]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1970) : The nominal and verbal systems of Fula
[1040]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1970) : 1st and 2nd person pronominal forms in Fula
[1041]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1974) : Some aspects of the study of Fula dialects
[1042]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1974) : Fula
[23731]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1965) : Fula dialects in the ‘Polyglotta Africana’
[24494]   Arnott, David Whitehorn (1977 [1968]) : Fula
[1283]   Bah, A. (1974) : Étude morphologie du fulakunda
[26368]   Bah, Abdoul (1974) : Étude morphologique du fulakunda
[4172]   Churma, Donald G. (1988) : Consonant gradation in Fula suffixes: the ugly truth
[4784]   Culy, Christopher (1991) : Command and Fula dum pronominals
[4786]   Culy, Christopher (1996) : Agreement in Fula pronouns
[4783]   Culy, Christopher & B. Gnalibouly Dicko (1988) : Fula makko and theories of anaphora
[4898]   Dalby, David (1969) : Further indigenous scripts of West Africa: Manding, Wolof and Fula alphabets and Yoruba ‘holy’ writing
[5300]   Diallo, Abdourahmane (1989) : Les constraintes phonotactiques en pular: compte-rendu critique de ‘Phonologie et morphologie lexicales: les classes nominales en peul (fula)’ de Carole Paradis
[25922]   Diallo, Abdourahmane (2010) : Morphological consequences of Mande borrowings in Fula: the case of Pular, Fuuta-Jaloo
[5301]   Diallo, M. S. (1989) : Le système vocalique et le système consonantique du peul (pulaar): compte-rendu critique de ‘Phonologie et morphologie lexicales: les classes nominales en peul (fula)’ de Carole Paradis
[5347]   Diarra, Sékou Oumar (1992) : Eléments de description du fuladugukakan de sébékoro (parler manding du Mali)
[24245]   Diarra, Sékou Oumar (1992) : Le système tonal du fuladugukakan
[6701]   Fligelman, Frieda (1932) : Moral vocabulary of an unwritten language (Fulani)
[6702]   Fligelman, Frieda (1932) : The richness of African negro languages (Fulani as a type)
[7026]   Gamble, David Percy & Mary Umah Baldeh (1981) : Gambian Fula-English dictionary
[7027]   Gamble, David Percy , Linda K. Salmon & Mary Umah Baldeh (1982) : Firdu-Fula grammar (Gambian dialect)
[7032]   Gamble, David Percy , Linda K. Salmon & Mary Umah Baldeh (1993) : Firdu-Fula grammar (Gambian dialect)
[7434]   Gottschligg, Peter (1999) : Senegal language deixis and its development in Fula dialects
[22400]   Gottschligg, Peter (2003) : A non-rhotic Fula dialect from Kouandé (northern Bénin)
[25855]   Gottschligg, Peter (2009) : Dialectal variance, standardization and the development of a written language: the case of Fula
[7590]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1949) : Studies in African linguistic classification. Part 2: the classification of Fulani
[7938]   Günther, Wilfried (1968) : A Fula word-list of the early 19th century
[9841]   Jeffreys, Merwyn David Waldegrave (1944) : Origin du nom Fulani
[9845]   Jeffreys, Merwyn David Waldegrave (1947) : Speculative origins of the Fulani language
[9951]   Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1921) : The Fulas and their language
[11198]   Koval, Antonina Ivanovna & Boureïma A. Gnalibouly (1997) : Glagol fula v tipologicheskom osveshchenii [A typological study of the Fula verb]
[11352]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1977) : West African language data sheets 1
[11848]   Leger, Rudolf (Ed) (1997) : Fulfulde-Studien/Fula studies
[11935]   Leith-Ross, Sylvia (1922) : Fulani grammar
[12229]   Lloyd, B. S. , K. Tambadu & P. G. Imhoff (1965) : Fula basic course
[12653]   Madela, L. (1975/76) : Beiträge zur Meidungssprache der Zulu, ukuhlonipha, und zum Thefula-Dialekt des Zele
[13861]   Miyamoto, R. (1989) : A note on some features of the Sokoto dialect of Fula
[24359]   Mukarovsky, Hans Guenter (1983) : Die Nominalklassen im Serer und im Ful
[16170]   Palmer, H. Richmond (1923) : The “Fulas” and their language
[16199]   Paradis, Carole (1986) : Phonologie et morphologie lexicales: les classes nominales en peul (fula)
[16200]   Paradis, Carole (1986) : Morphological and phonological investigations in Fula: class markers
[16201]   Paradis, Carole (1987) : Strata and syllable dependencies in Fula: the nominal classes
[16202]   Paradis, Carole (1992) : Lexical phonology and morphology: the nominal classes in Fula
[24083]   Pozdniakov, Konstantin (2003) : On paradigm morphology, as illustrated on „dimension” classes in Fula
[16763]   Pozdniakov, Konstantin Igorevich (1988) : Proto-Fula-Serer noun class system
[28732]   Pozdniakov, Konstantin Igorevich (2022) : Proto-Fula–Sereer: Lexicon, morphophonology, and noun classes
[16918]   Prunet, Jean-François (1989) : Prosodic redistribution in Fula
[18172]   Schubert, Klaus (1988) : August Klingenheben’s contribution to Fula studies
[18673]   Skousen, Royal (1972) : Consonant alternation in Fula
[18990]   Stennes, Leslie H. (1967) : A reference grammar of Adamawa Fulani
[23233]   Stewart, John Massie (2005) : Three-grade consonant mutation in the Fulanic and Akanic languages and in their latest common ancestor (Proto-Niger-Congo?)
[19289]   Swift, Lloyd B. , K. Tambadu & P. G. Imhoff (1965) : Fula basic course
[19300]   Sylla, Yèro (1979) : Grammatical relations and Fula syntax
[19424]   Taylor, Frank William (1920) : Some English words in Fulani and Hausa
[19425]   Taylor, Frank William (1921) : A first grammar of the Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language (Fulfulde)
[19427]   Taylor, Frank William (1926) : A Fulani-Hausa phrase book
[19428]   Taylor, Frank William (1927) : A Fulani-Hausa vocabulary
[19429]   Taylor, Frank William (1929) : The orthography of African languages, with special reference to Hausa and Fulani
[19430]   Taylor, Frank William (1932) : A Fulani-English dictionary
[19433]   Taylor, Frank William (1953) : Grammar of the Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language
[6234]   Theil [Endresen], Rolf (1993) : The eastern Fula auxiliaries don and ’e and their historical relationship to western Fula long subject pronouns
[6235]   Theil [Endresen], Rolf (1993) : A diachronic study of Fula conjugations
[6236]   Theil [Endresen], Rolf (1994) : The etymological relationship between the benefactive and causative suffixes in Fula
[6237]   Theil [Endresen], Rolf (1995) : Fula imperfective forms in a grammaticalization perspective
[6238]   Theil [Endresen], Rolf (1998) : Fula imperfective forms in a grammaticalization perspective
[6239]   Theil [Endresen], Rolf (1999) : Pre-Fula ‘relative *N’
[20560]   Voznesenskaya, Y. A. (1975) : K voprosu o yazykovykh kontaktakh Hausa i Fula v Nigerii (na materiale leksiki)
[20561]   Voznesenskaya, Y. A. (1976) : Nekotorye aspekty Hausa-Ful’bskogo dvuyazychiya
[21397]   Wolf, Paul Polydoor de (1985) : On the semantics of descriptive cattle names in Fulani
[21398]   Wolf, Paul Polydoor de (1986) : The verbal particle -naa in Nongaare Fulani
[21400]   Wolf, Paul Polydoor de (1993) : The Fula particle don and its congeners: comparative notes on their grammaticalization processes
[21401]   Wolf, Paul Polydoor de (1994) : English-Fula dictionary: a multilingual approach (Fulfulde, Pulaar, Fulani)
[21914]   Zubko, G. V. (1980) : Fula-rusko-francuzskij slovar’