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6 titres trouvés

[1518]   Baptista, Marlyse (1994) : On the nature of “pa” in Capeverdean Creole and its possible source
[1519]   Baptista, Marlyse (1995) : On the nature of pro-drop in Capeverdean Creole
[3145]   Braga, Maria Luiza (1982) : Left-dislocation and topicalization in Capeverdean Creole
[26826]   Brito, José António , Gabriela Matos & Fernanda Pratas (2015) : Comitative Coordination in Capeverdean
[12590]   Macedo, Donaldo Perèira (1979) : A linguistic approach to the Capeverdean language
[18547]   Silva, Izione Santoas (1985) : Variation and change in the verbal system of Capeverdean Crioulo