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7 titres trouvés

[2093]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1994) : Aroid (South Omotic) lexicon
[2094]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1994) : Comparative Aroid (South Omotic): syntax and morphosyntax
[6695]   Fleming, Harold C. (1988) : Proto-South-Omotic or Proto-Somotic consonant phonemes: stage one
[9184]   Hudson, Grover (1999) : Linguistic analyses of the 1994 Ethiopian census
[11616]   Lamberti, Marcello (1993) : The Ari-Banna group and its classification
[19988]   Tsuge, Yoichi (1995) : [On the phonetic correspondences of South Omotic]
[19989]   Tsuge, Yoichi (1996) : On the consonant correspondences of South Omotic languages