8 langues concernées

28 titres trouvés

[2384]   Biddulph, Joseph (1994) : Native African alphabets of modern times
[23459]   Crass, Joachim , Girma A. Demeke , Ronny Meyer & Andreas Wetter (200-) : Copula and focus constructions in selected Ethiopian languages
[24575]   Elias, David Lyndon (2005) : Tigre of Habab: Short Grammar and Texts From the Rigbat People
[26933]   Elias, David Lyndon (2014) : The Tigre Language of Gindaˁ, Eritrea
[28347]   Faust, Noam (2017) : Get that into your head: Tigre vowel harmonies as templatic
[9758]   Jake, Janice L. (1980) : Object verb agreement in Tigre
[11991]   Leslau, Wolf (1945) : Short grammar of Tigré
[11993]   Leslau, Wolf (1945) : Verb in Tigré
[11996]   Leslau, Wolf (1948) : Supplementary observations on Tigré grammar
[12013]   Leslau, Wolf (1956) : Arabic loanwords in Tigré
[12030]   Leslau, Wolf (1959) : The languages of Ethiopia and their geographical distribution
[12072]   Leslau, Wolf (1982) : North Ethiopic and Amharic cognates in Tigre
[12216]   Littmann, Enno & Maria Höfner (1962) : Wörterbuch det Tigre-Sprache: Tigre-Deutsch-Englisch
[14831]   Nakano, Akio (1982) : A vocabulary of Beni Amer dialect of Tigré
[16173]   Palmer, Frank R. (1956) : ‘Openness’ in Tigre: a problem in prosodic statement
[16180]   Palmer, Frank R. (1962) : The morphology of the Tigre noun
[16485]   Piccirilli, Tito (1938) : Dizionario di alcune lingue parlate nell’Africa orientali italiana (amarica, tigray, galla, tigré)
[17099]   Raz, Shlomo (1977) : Complex verbal expressions of time-relations in Tigre
[17100]   Raz, Shlomo (1980) : Tigre syntax and Semitic Ethiopian
[17101]   Raz, Shlomo (1983) : Tigre grammar and texts
[17103]   Raz, Shlomo (1997) : Tigré
[17408]   Rose, Sharon (2003) : Triple take: Tigre and the case of internal reduplication
[23534]   Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude (2001) : Les langues en Erythrée
[19152]   Storaci, E. (1935) : Il poliglotta africano. Vademecum per l’Africa orientale italiana, arabo, swahili, somalo, galla, tigrino, tigre: raccolta dei vocaboli piu Usati
[19625]   Thompson, E. David (1976) : Languages of northern Eritrea
[19788]   Tosco, Mauro (1998) : A parsing view on inconsistent word order: articles in Tigre and its relatives
[20449]   Voigt, Rainer Maria (1974) : Die Hilfsverben der begrenzten Dauer im Tegrenna unter Berücksichtigung des Tigre und des Amharischen
[20573]   Vycichl, Werner (1953) : Das personliche Fürwort im Bedja und im Tigre