53 langues concernées

264 titres trouvés

[20946]   [Anonymous] (1986) : Afrikanische Sprachen
[22125]   [Anonymous] (1957) : Mémorial André Basset
[23124]   [Anonymous] (1993) : Afrika: språk
[23125]   [Anonymous] (1996) : Afrika: språk
[180]   Adams, G. B. (1970) : Colloquium on Hamito-Semitic comparative linguistics
[25402]   Allati, Abdelaziz (2008) : Proto-berbère et proto-afro-asiatique: l'aspect
[25658]   Allati, Abdelaziz (2011) : Sur les reconstructions berbères et afro-asiatiques
[957]   Appleyard, David L. (1999) : Afroasiatic and the Nostratic hypothesis
[1088]   Aspesi, Francesco (1987) : Remarque sur la suffixation chamito-sémitique
[1369]   Baldi, Sergio (Ed) (1997) : Langues et contacts de langues en zone sahélo-saharienne: 3ème table ronde du réseau de diffusion lexicale (colloque internazionale, Napoli, 12-15 settembre, 1994)
[1860]   Bausi, Alessandro & Mauro Tosco (1997) : Afroasiatica neapolitana: contributi presentati all’8° incontro di linguistica afroasiatica (camito-semitica), Napoli 25-26 Gennaio 1996
[2087]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1990) : Coming and going in Afrasian
[2104]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1997) : Upside-down Afrasian
[2072]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (Ed) (1983) : Nilo-Saharan language studies
[2136]   Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor (Ed) (1974) : Ten Nigerian tone systems
[2224]   Bernini, Giuliano & Vermondo Brugnatelli (Ed) (1987) : Atti della 4a giornata di studi camito-semitici e indoeuropei, Bergamo, Istituto Universitario, 29, novembre 1985
[2389]   Biddulph, Joseph (2002) : Towards a linguistic history of Africa
[25343]   Blazek, Vaclav (2011) : Indo-European laryngeals in Afro-Asiatic perspective
[2569]   Blench, Roger M. (1993) : Recent developments in African language classification and their implications for prehistory
[2583]   Blench, Roger M. (1999) : The languages of Africa: macrophyla proposals and implications for archaeological interpretation
[25407]   Blench, Roger M. (2008) : Omotic Livestock Terminology and Its Implications for the History of Afroasiatic
[2698]   Boeck, L. B. de (1948) : La classification des langues en Afrique
[3099]   Böhm, Gerhard (1986) : Mimation und Nunation: eine grosserythräische Glosse
[3101]   Böhm, Gerhard (1987) : Leo Reinisch: ‘Das persönliche Fürwort und die Verbalflexion in den chamito-semitischen Sprachen’
[2824]   Bomhard, Allan R. (1984) : Toward proto-Nostratic: a new approach to the comparison of proto-Indo-European and proto-Afroasiatic
[25408]   Bomhard, Allan R. (2008) : A Sketch of Proto-Afrasian Phonology
[3234]   Brenzinger, Matthias (Ed) (1992) : Language death: factual and theoretical explorations with special reference to East Africa
[3352]   Brugnatelli, Vermondo (Ed) (1994) : Sem Cam Iafet: atti della 7a giornata di studi camito-semitici e indoeuropei, Milano 1o giugno 1993
[3381]   Bryan, Margaret Arminel & Archibald Norman Tucker (1948) : The distribution of the Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic languages of Africa
[3463]   Bulck, [Révérend] [Père] Gaston van (1950) : Classification des groupes de langues en Afrique selon Westermann
[3565]   Bynon, James (Ed) (1984) : Current progress in Afro-Asiatic linguistics: papers of the 3rd international Hamito-Semitic congress, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, from the 29th to the 31st of March, 1978
[3564]   Bynon, James & Theodora Bynon (Ed) (1975) : Hamito-Semitica: proceedings of a colloquium held by the historical section of the Linguistics Association (Great Britain) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 1970
[3741]   Caravaglios, Maria (Ed) (1983) : L’Africa a tempi di Daniele Comboni: congresso internazionale di studi africani, Roma 19-21 november 1981
[3830]   Carstens, Vicky May & Frederick Parkinson (Ed) (1999) : Advances in African linguistics: papers presented at the 28th annual conference on African linguistics, held July 18-22, 1977, Cornell University
[3967]   Chaker, Salem (1990) : Les bases de l’apparentement chamito-sémitique du berbère: un faisceau d’indices convergents
[4079]   Childs, George Tucker (2004) : An introduction to African linguistics
[23126]   Christensen, Dag H. (1978) : Afrika: språk
[4240]   Clements, Nick (2000) : Phonology
[4334]   Cohen, David (1968) : Les langues chamito-sémitiques
[4338]   Cohen, David (1972) : Problèmes de linguistique chamito-sémitique
[4340]   Cohen, David (1973/79) : Qu’est-ce qu’une langue sémitique?
[4321]   Cohen, Marcel (1933) : Les résultats acquis de la grammaire comparée chamito-sémitique
[4322]   Cohen, Marcel (1934) : Sur l’affixe N dans les verbes expressifs de diverses langues chamito-sémitiques
[4327]   Cohen, Marcel (1947) : Essai comparatif sur le vocabulaire et la phonétique du chamito-sémitique
[4328]   Cohen, Marcel (1951) : Langues chamito-sémitiques et linguistique historique
[4789]   Cuny, Albert (1930) : La catégorie de duel dans les langues indo-européennes et chamito-sémitiques
[4790]   Cuny, Albert (1946) : Invitation è l’étude comparative des langues indo-européennes et langues chamito-sémitiques
[5284]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich (1965) : Semito-khamitskie yazyki: opyt klassifikatsii
[5286]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich (1988) : Afrasian languages
[5287]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich , Alexander Jurievich Militarev , Viktor Jakovlevich Porkhomovsky & Olga Valerievna Stolbova (1993) : On the principles of Afrasian phonological reconstruction
[5290]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich , Anna Grigorievna Belova , Alexander Jurievich Militarev & Viktor Jakovlevich Porkhomovsky (1995) : Historical comparative vocabulary of Afrasian ; part 3
[5291]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich , Anna Grigorievna Belova , Alexander Jurievich Militarev & Viktor Jakovlevich Porkhomovsky (1996) : Historical comparative vocabulary of Afrasian ; part 4
[5292]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich , Anna Grigorievna Belova , Alexander Jurievich Militarev & Viktor Jakovlevich Porkhomovsky (1997) : Historical comparative vocabulary of Afrasian ; part 5
[5288]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich , Anna Grigorievna Belova , Alexander Serafimovich Chetverukhin , Alexander Jurievich Militarev , Viktor Jakovlevich Porkhomovsky & Olga Valerievna Stolbova (1994) : Historical comparative vocabulary of Afrasian ; part 1
[5289]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich , Anna Grigorievna Belova , Alexander Serafimovich Chetverukhin , Alexander Jurievich Militarev , Viktor Jakovlevich Porkhomovsky & Olga Valerievna Stolbova (1994) : Historical comparative vocabulary of Afrasian ; part 2
[5443]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (2000) : Morphology
[5604]   Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1975) : Contributions to the Afroasiatic comparative word list (abstract)
[6051]   Ehret, Christopher (1995) : Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Proto-Afrasian): vowels, tone, consonants and vocabulary
[6056]   Ehret, Christopher (2000) : Language and history
[22582]   Ehret, Christopher (1997) : African languages: an historical introduction
[23127]   Ellgɮrd, Alvar (1989) : Afrika: språk
[6153]   Elmedlaoui, Mohamed (1992) : Aspects des représentations phonologiques dans certaines langues chamito-semitiques
[6392]   Eyasu Haylu (2001) : The structure of noun phrases and dependent clauses in Tenaro
[6537]   Fellman, Jack (1978) : Afro-Asia: a cultural-linguistic area
[6666]   Fivaz, Derek & Patricia Elena Scott (1977) : African languages: a genetic and decimalised classification for bibliographic and general reference
[6717]   Fodor, István (1965) : Az afrikai nyelvek osztalyozasanak problemai [Problems of classification of African languages]
[6718]   Fodor, István (1966) : The problems in the classification of the African languages: methodological and theoretical conclusions concerning the classification system of Joseph H. Greenberg
[6724]   Fodor, István (1981) : A fallacy of contemporary linguistics: J. H. Greenberg’s classification of the African languages and his ‘comparative method’
[6834]   Fraenkel, Merran (1970) : Zur Theorie der Lamed-He Stämme: gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur semitisch-indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft
[6838]   Frajzyngier, Zygmunt (1969) : Wstep do jezykoznawstwa afrykanskiego [Introduction to African linguistics]
[25541]   Frajzyngier, Zygmunt (2012) : Coding relations between the verb and noun phrases in Afroasiatic – A sketch of typological explanations
[6935]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (Ed) (1978) : Atti di secondo congresso internazionale di linguistica camito-semitica, Firenze, 16-19 aprile 1974
[7272]   Ginneken, [Père] Jacques van (1938) : L’importance des latérales caucasiennes pour l’étude des langues africaines, indoeuropéennes et chamito-sémitiques: contribution à la grammaire comparée des langues du Caucase
[7317]   Givón, Talmy (1979) : Language typology in Africa: a critical review
[28967]   Goldberg, Justin , Asadik Habte , Bekama Jiregna & Mengistu Mulat (eds.) (2016) : Gwama – English Dictionary
[7399]   Goodman, Morris F. & David Wendell Crabb (1987) : African languages
[7450]   Gouffé, Claude (1970/71) : Notes de lexicologie et d’étymologie soudanaises, I: a propos du nom du “moustique” et de la “moustiquaire”
[7588]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1948) : The classification of African languages
[7599]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1952) : The Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic) present
[7603]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1955) : Studies in African linguistic classification
[7605]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1955) : Internal a-plurals in Afroasiatic (Hamito-Semitic)
[7606]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1957) : Nilotic, ‘Nilo-Hamitic’, Hamito-Semitic: a reply
[7607]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1958) : The labial consonants of proto-Afro-Asiatic
[7613]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1960) : An Afro-Asiatic pattern of gender and number agreement
[7619]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1963) : The languages of Africa
[7623]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1965) : Urbanism, migration and language
[7624]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1965) : The evidence for */mb/ as a proto-Afro-Asiatic phoneme
[7635]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1970) : The languages of Africa
[7644]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1981) : African linguistic classification
[8383]   Hayward, Richard J. (1988) : In defence of the skeletal tier
[8409]   Hayward, Richard J. (2000) : Afroasiatic
[8402]   Hayward, Richard J. & I. Lewis (Ed) (1996) : Voice and power: the culture of language in north-east Africa. Essays in honour of B. W. Andrzejewski
[8468]   Heilmann, L. (1949) : Camito-semitico e indoeuropeo
[8491]   Heine, Bernd (1975) : Language typology and convergence areas in Africa
[8492]   Heine, Bernd (1975) : The study of word order in African languages
[8497]   Heine, Bernd (1976) : A typology of African languages based on the order of meaningful elements
[8546]   Heine, Bernd (1987) : Reinisch und das Erythräische: Sprachgeschichte und Evolution
[23129]   Heine, Bernd (1992) : African languages
[8581]   Heine, Bernd & Derek Nurse (Ed) (2000) : African languages: an introduction
[22508]   Heine, Bernd & Derek Nurse (Ed) (2004) : Les langues africaines
[8534]   Heine, Bernd , Rainer Vossen , Marcello Lamberti & Mechthild Reh (1982) : A typology of African languages
[8522]   Heine, Bernd , Thilo C. Schadeberg & H. Ekkehard Wolff (Ed) (1981) : Die Sprachen Afrikas
[8614]   Hendrix, Melvin K. (1982) : An international bibliography of African lexicons
[8666]   Herms, Irmtraud (1967) : Das linguistische Schaffen von Gottlob Adolf Krause
[8690]   Hestermann, S. (1929) : Die deutsche Afrikanistik bis 1913
[8707]   Hetzron, Robert (1971) : Presentative function and presentative movement
[8718]   Hetzron, Robert (1976) : Bibliographical bulletin
[8723]   Hetzron, Robert (1979) : Bibliographical bulletin
[8728]   Hetzron, Robert (1990) : Dialectal variation in Proto-Afroasiatic
[8725]   Hetzron, Robert & Russell Galen Schuh (1982) : Bibliographical bulletin
[8900]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1968) : Afroasiatic ‘67
[8901]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1968) : Some Afroasiatic etymologies
[8903]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1969) : Afroasiatic pronoun problems
[8906]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1970) : Afroasiatic: an overview
[8909]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1971) : Afroasiatic S-causatives
[8910]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1972) : Lisramic
[8913]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1975) : Lisramic II
[8914]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1976) : Lisramic (Afroasiatic): an overview
[8918]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1983) : Relating Afroasiatic to Indo-European
[8919]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1983) : Afroasiatic: the horizon and beyond
[8920]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1987) : The status of Lisramic sound correspondences
[8921]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1987) : Leo Reinisch: Werk und Erbe
[8922]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1988) : Consonant ablaut in Lislakh
[8924]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1991) : Indo-European and Afroasiatic
[8928]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (2001) : Afroasiatic
[8908]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (Ed) (1971) : Afroasiatic: a survey
[8977]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1958) : Some notes on “Nilotic, ‘Nilo-Hamitic’ and Hamito-Semitic” by J. H. Greenberg
[8978]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1975) : The nominal and verbal affirmatives of Nilo-Hamitic and Hamito-Semitic
[8981]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1979) : Hamito-semitische Wortstämme im Bari und Lotuho, sowie in verwandten Sprachen
[8982]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1980) : Anmerkungen zu Rainer Vossen’s Besprechung meines Buches: The nominal and verbal affirmatives of Nilo-Hamitic and Hamito-Semitic
[9086]   Hospers, J. H. (Ed) (1978) : General linguistics and the teaching of dead Hamito-Semitic languages: proceedings of the symposium held in Groningen, 7th-8th November 1975, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Semitic Studies and Near Eastern Archaeology of the State University at Groningen
[9112]   Houis, Maurice (1971) : Actes du 8ème congrès international de linguistique africaine, Abidjan, 24-28 mars 1969
[9146]   Hrbek, Ivan (1984) : A list of African ethnonyms
[9373]   Hurreiz, Sayyid Hamid & Herman Bell (Ed) (1975) : Directions in Sudanese linguistics and folklore
[9390]   Hurskainen, Arvi (2000) : Noun classification in African languages
[25373]   Ibriszimow, Dymitr & Victor Porkhomovsky (2003) : Towards a Typology of Kinship Terms and Systems in Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic)
[28485]   Ibriszimow, Dymitr & Victor Porkhomovsky (2001) : Towards a typology of kinship terms and systems in Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic): I. West Chadic and Modern South Arabian
[22716]   Ibriszimow, Dymitr , Rudolf Leger & Uwe Seibert (Ed) (2001) : Von Ägypten zu Tschadsee: eine linguistische Reise durch Afrika (Festschrift für Herrmann Jungraithmayr zum 65. Geburtstag)
[9533]   Iddo Aberra (2001) : The structure of simple declarative sentences
[9546]   Idris, Hélène Fatima (2003) : Swedish contributions to African linguistics: a focus on Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic languages
[9574]   Ikara, Bashir (1987) : Minority languages and lingua francas in Nigeria
[9746]   Jaggar, Philip John (Ed) (1992) : Papers in honour of R. C. Abraham (1890-1963)
[10100]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann & Walter W. Müller (Ed) (1987) : Proceedings of the 4th international Hamito-Semitic congress, Marburg, 20-22 September, 1983
[10580]   Kaye, Alan S. (1999) : The current state of Nostratic linguistics
[10616]   Kebede Michael (2001) : Morphology of Gogat
[26284]   Kievit, Dirk & Erika Robertson (2012) : Notes on Gwama grammar
[10933]   Kiyawa, Adamu Aliyu (1983) : Language and the politics of ethnicity in Nigeria: a sociolinguistics perspective
[11004]   Klingenheben, August von (1951) : Alt hamito-semitisch Genusexponenten in heutige Hamitensprachen
[11168]   Kotey, Paul Francis Amon (1999) : New dimensions in African linguistics and languages
[11567]   Lahaie, Karen (1985) : The ma- prefix in Afroasiatic
[11805]   Lecarme, Jacqueline (Ed) (2003) : Research in Afroasiatic grammar II: selected papers from the fifth conference on Afroasiatic languages, Paris, 2000
[11800]   Lecarme, Jacqueline , Jean Lowenstamm & Ur Shlonsky (Ed) (1996) : Studies in Afro-Asiatic grammar: papers from the second conference on Afroasiatic languages Sophia Antipolis 1994
[11803]   Lecarme, Jacqueline , Jean Lowenstamm & Ur Shlonsky (Ed) (2000) : Research in Afro-Asiatic grammar: papers from the third conference on Afroasiatic languages, Sophia Antipolis, 1996
[11951]   Lentin, Jérôme & Antoine Lonnet (Ed) (2003) : Mélanges David Cohen: études sur le langage, les langues, les dialectes, les littératures, offertes pas ses élèves, ses collègues, ses amis, présentées a l’occasion de son quatre-vingtienne anniversaire
[12141]   Lexa, F. (1921/22) : Comments se révèlent les rapports entre les langues hamitiques, sémitiques et la langue égyptienne dans la grammaire des pronoms personnels, es verbes et dans les numéraux cardinaux 1-9
[24040]   Leyew, Zelealem [Mollaligne] (2005) : Gwama, a Little-known Endangered Language of Ethiopia : A Sketch of its Grammar and Lexicon
[12458]   Lukas, Johannes (1936) : Über den Einfluss der hellhäutigen Hamiten auf die Sprachen des zentralen Sudans
[12468]   Lukas, Johannes (1939) : Die Verbreitung der Hamiten in Afrika
[12485]   Lukas, Johannes (1968/69) : Nunation in afrikanischen Sprachen
[12486]   Lukas, Johannes (1969) : Über nunation in afrikanischen Sprachen
[12586]   MacDonald, Kevin C. (1998) : Archaeology, language and the peopling of West Africa: a consideration of the evidence
[12605]   Mack, John & Peter T. Robertshaw (Ed) (1982) : Culture history in the southern Sudan: archaeology, linguistics, ethnohistory
[12648]   Maddieson, Ian & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (Ed) (1998) : Language history and linguistic description in Africa: selected papers of the 26th annual conference on African linguistics, held March 23-25, 1995, in Santa Monica, California
[12733]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1997) : African languages country by country: a reference guide
[12737]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1998) : African languages country by country: a reference guide
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[13352]   McBurney, C. B. M. (1975) : The archaeological context of the Hamitic languages in northern Africa
[13432]   McNab, Christine (1988) : From traditional practice to current policy: the changing pattern of language use in Ethiopian education
[13460]   Medlaoui, Mohamed el , Saïd Gafaiti & Fouad Saa (Ed) (1998) : Actes sur le 1ère congrès chamito-sémitique de Fès, 1997
[13534]   Meier, Wilma (1984) : Bibliography of African languages
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[13784]   Militarev, Alexander Jurievich (1984) : Yazyk meritskoj epigrafiki kak istoricheskii istochnik v svete yego genezisa [The language of Meroitic inscriptions as a historical source in view of its genetic ties]
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[13786]   Militarev, Alexander Jurievich & Olga Valerievna Stolbova (1990) : First approach to comparative-historical phonology of Afroasian (consonantism)
[14504]   Mukarovsky, Hans Guenter (1966/67) : Langues apparentées au chamito-sémitique
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[24027]   Nakano, Akio (1998) : [A sketch of phonetic and phonological systems of Afro-Asiatic languages: consonantal features]
[15125]   Nicolaï, Robert (1987) : Réflexions comparatives à partir de lexique negroafricains et chamito-sémitique: faits et théorie
[15465]   Nurse, Derek (1997) : The contribution of linguistics to the study of history in Africa
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[17888]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1981) : Afroasiatisch
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