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11 titres trouvés

[2727]   Bogers, Koen (1986) : A structural analysis of an Avokaya orphan tale: a preliminary investigation
[3623]   Callinan, Lynne (1981) : A preliminary study of Avokaya phonemes
[3624]   Callinan, Lynne (1986) : Sentence constructions in Avokaya
[4587]   Costermans, B. J. (1955) : Logo-Avokaya als taalgroep
[5418]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1986) : Notes on Avokaya
[10813]   Kilpatrick, Eileen (1981) : Avokaya predication
[10816]   Kilpatrick, Eileen (1986) : Use of genitives in Avokaya
[10817]   Kilpatrick, Eileen (2000) : Participant reference in Avokaya narrative texts
[23082]   Kilpatrick, Eileen (1984) : General narratives and folk tales in Avokaya
[26064]   Kilpatrick, Eileen & Leoma Gilley (2004) : The Importance Of Word Order In Explaining Tone Patterns In Avokaya Verbs
[16540]   Planert, Wilhelm (1927) : Die Schnalzsprachen