6 langues concernées

19 titres trouvés

[2141]   Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor (Ed) (1989) : The Niger-Congo languages: a classification and description of Africa’s largest language family
[23276]   Blench, Roger M. (2005) : Index to atlas of Nigerian languages
[4766]   Crozier, David Henry & Roger M. Blench (1992) : An index of Nigerian languages
[6172]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1979) : Some tentative historical inferences from comparative Edoid studies
[6173]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1980) : Reconstructing the lenis feature in proto-Edoid
[6174]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1983) : The vowels of proto-Edoid
[6175]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1983) : Noun class prefixes in proto-Edoid
[6180]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1987) : Comparative Edoid: phonology and lexicon
[6181]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1989) : Edoid
[8077]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1969) : An ethnolinguistic inventory of the Lower Guinea coast before 1700 ; part 2
[8174]   Hansford, Keir , John Theodor Bendor-Samuel & Ron[ald] Stanford (Ed) (1976) : An index of Nigerian languages
[8853]   Hintze, Ursula (1959) : Bibliographie der Kwa-Sprachen und der Sprachen der Togo-Restvölker
[10096]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann & Wilhelm Johann Georg Möhlig (1983) : Lexikon der Afrikanistik: afrikanische Sprachen und ihre Erforschung
[15046]   Nges, Chia Emmanuel (Ed) (1996) : Guide to readability in African languages
[15717]   Ohirí-Aníche, Chinyere (1991) : A comparative phonology of consonants in the Igboid, Edoid and the Yoruboid languages of Nigeria
[15719]   Ohirí-Aníche, Chinyere (1999) : Language diversification in the Akoko area of western Nigeria
[15720]   Ohirí-Aníche, Chinyere (2004) : Reconstruction of initial velar and labial-velar consonants at the pre-lower Cross-Igboid-Edoid stage of Benue-Congo
[20833]   Welch, James W. (1933) : The linguistic situation in the western parts of the Niger Delta - Notes and news
[21232]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1974) : Principles of a good orthography