Une seule langue concernée

6 titres trouvés

[24032]   Adwiraah, Eleonore (1989) : Grammatik des Gworok (Kagoro) : Phonologie, Tonologie, Morphologie und Textanalyse
[23056]   Follingstad, Carl M. (1994) : Thematic development and prominence in Tyap discourse
[23057]   Follingstad, Carl M. (1995) : ‘hinneh’ and focus function with application to Tyap
[23068]   Follingstad, Carl M. (1991) : Aspects of Tyap syntax
[10267]   Kalex, Andreas N. (1989) : Untersuchungen zur Sprache der Atyap (Nordnigeria)
[12121]   Levinsohn, Stephen H. (Ed) (1994) : Discourse features of ten languages of west-central Africa