2 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[27187]   Bai, Wayo , Kefas Kogi & Naboth Musa (2017) : Íshaa Irhɛm Arherhe ri Idũya / Parts of Speech in the Duya Language
[27188]   Bala, Joseph Philip & Jonathan Amos Tonga (2017) : Agab Ihari Ye Isɛb Koro Waci & Miamia / Parts of Speech in the Waci & Miamia Language
[26629]   Blench, Roger M. (2010) : The Idũ language of Central Nigeria: Phonology, wordlist and suggestions for orthography changes
[7180]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (1972/73) : Abriss der Nominalenklassen im Koro, North-Central State, Nigeria
[27936]   Marggrander, Anna (2018) : A Grammar of Dũya - A Plateau Language of Central Nigeria
[19581]   Thomas, Northcote Whitridge (1920) : Duodecimal base of numeration