8 langues concernées

32 titres trouvés

[781]   Anderson, Stephen Craig (2001) : Phonological characteristics of Eastern Grassfields languages
[1608]   Barreteau, Daniel , Evelyne Ngantchui & Terri R. Scruggs (1993) : Bibliographie des langues camerounaises
[28227]   Becker, Laura , Imke Driemel & Jude Nformi Awasom (2019) : Focus in Limbum
[3006]   Bouquiaux, Luc , Larry Michael Hyman & Jan Voorhoeve (Ed) (1980) : Les classes nominales dans le bantou des Grassfields = L’expansion bantoue: actes du colloque international du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Viviers 4-16 avril 1977
[3049]   Boyd, Raymond (1989) : Tone feature analysis: applications to Grassfields Bantu languages
[5831]   Dunstan, Elizabeth (1971) : Noun class systems in Mbam-Nkam
[6136]   Elias, Philip & Jan Voorhoeve (1981) : How arbitrary are Mbam-Nkam correspondences? Alveolar reflexes of initial *B in Mbam-Nkam
[6138]   Elias, Philip , Jacqueline [Warnier] Leroy & Jan Voorhoeve (1984) : Mbam-Nkam or Eastern Grassfields
[6632]   Fiore, Lynne Ellen (1977) : A phonology of Limbum (Nsungli)
[6633]   Fiore, Lynne Ellen & Patricia Peck (1980) : Limbum
[6885]   Fransen, Margo A. E. (1995) : A grammar of Limbum, a Grassfields Bantu language spoken in the North-West Province of Cameroon
[28242]   Gjersøe, Siri , Jude Nformi & Ludger Paschen (2019) : Hybrid falling tones in Limbum
[7879]   Guthrie, Malcolm & Archibald Norman Tucker (Ed) (1956) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland
[28847]   Hein, Johannes (2021) : Subject encoding in Limbum
[9450]   Hyman, Larry Michael (Ed) (1980) : Noun classes in the Grassfield Bantu borderland
[9442]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Maurice Tadadjeu (1976) : Floating tones in Mbam-Nkam
[11972]   Leroy, Jacqueline [Warnier] (1983) : Notes sur l’expression de la localisation en yamba
[25942]   Ndamsah, Gratiana (2012) : Modes and mechanisms of reduplication in Limbum
[29030]   Nebup, Abraham Nwizine & Robert Hedinger (2019) : Yamba – English Dictionary
[28746]   Philippson, Gérard (2022) : Proto-Bantu *k and *g in the Mbam languages: A problem in classification
[18270]   Scruggs, Terri R. (1980) : Vowel harmony in Yamba
[18271]   Scruggs, Terri R. (1980) : Segmental phonology of nouns in Yamba
[18934]   Stallcup, Kenneth Lyell (1980) : La géographie linguistique des Grassfields
[20489]   Voorhoeve, Jan (1971) : The linguistic unit Mbam-Nkam (Bamileke, Bamun and other related languages)
[20494]   Voorhoeve, Jan (1976) : Un inventaire des langues bantoues des Grassfields
[20498]   Voorhoeve, Jan (1980) : Limbum
[20500]   Voorhoeve, Jan (1980) : Noun classes in Adere
[20491]   Voorhoeve, Jan (Ed) (1971) : The Mbam-Nkam languages
[20728]   Warnier, Jean-Pierre (1978) : Noun-classes, lexical stocks and multilingualism and the history of the Cameroon Grassfields
[20729]   Warnier, Jean-Pierre (1980) : Des précurseurs de l’école Berlitz: le multilinguisme des Grassfields du Cameroun au 19è siècle
[20757]   Watters, John Robert (2003) : Grassfields Bantu
[20751]   Watters, John Robert & Jacqueline [Warnier] Leroy (1989) : Southern Bantoid