Une seule langue concernée

9 titres trouvés

[1608]   Barreteau, Daniel , Evelyne Ngantchui & Terri R. Scruggs (1993) : Bibliographie des langues camerounaises
[2136]   Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor (Ed) (1974) : Ten Nigerian tone systems
[23276]   Blench, Roger M. (2005) : Index to atlas of Nigerian languages
[4766]   Crozier, David Henry & Roger M. Blench (1992) : An index of Nigerian languages
[7879]   Guthrie, Malcolm & Archibald Norman Tucker (Ed) (1956) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland
[8174]   Hansford, Keir , John Theodor Bendor-Samuel & Ron[ald] Stanford (Ed) (1976) : An index of Nigerian languages
[8452]   Hedinger, Robert (1989) : Northern Bantoid
[9708]   Jacquot, AndrĂ© & Irvine Richardson (1956) : Report of the western team: Atlantic coast to Oubangui
[17230]   Richardson, Irvine (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland