8 langues concernées

69 titres trouvés

[2408]   Bill, Mary C. (1974) : The influence of the Hottentot languages on the Bantu languages
[3658]   Canonici, Noverino N. (1991) : Xhosa and Zulu compared: a simple intrductin to Xhosa from a Zulu point of view
[3660]   Canonici, Noverino N. (1992) : Swati and Zulu compared: Swati from a Zulu point of view
[3663]   Canonici, Noverino N. (1994) : The Nguni languages: a simple presentation and comparison of Zulu, Xhosa and Swati
[4032]   Chen Su-I, & Gloria B. Malambe (1998) : Palatalization in SiSwati: an optimality theoretical approach
[4569]   Corum, Claudia (1991) : An introduction to the siSwati language: lessons and glossary
[23691]   Corum, Claudia (1980) : SiSwati special skills handbook
[23685]   Corum, Claudia & Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle Kunene (1980) : SiSwati communication and culture handbook
[4673]   Crawhall, Nigel T. (Ed) (1992) : Democratically speaking: international perspectives on language planning
[4734]   Creissels, Denis (1999) : Bimoriac syllables in a language without length contrast and without consonants in coda position: the case of Siswati
[5575]   Doke, Clement Martyn (1954) : The Southern Bantu languages
[5685]   Downing, Laura J. (1995/97) : Correspondence effects in Siswati reduplication
[6581]   Fetters, Emma Lou (1983) : A contrastive analysis of the simple locative construction in Siswati and English
[7419]   Goslin, B. du P. (1980) : The major differences between Zulu and Swazi
[7916]   Guzman, Videa P. de (1987) : Indirect objects in Siswati
[27522]   Harford, Carolyn & Gloria B. Malambe (2015) : Optimal register variation: High vowel elision in siSwati
[8662]   Herman, Rebecca (1996) : Prosodic structure in SiSwati
[10316]   Kamera, W. D. & Gloria B. Malambe (1993) : Language and literature skills: a case for Swaziland schools
[10339]   Kamwangamalu, Nkonko Mudipanu (1994) : SiSwati-English code-switching: the matrix language principle and linguistic constraints
[10340]   Kamwangamalu, Nkonko Mudipanu (1996) : Sociolinguistic aspects of SiSwati-English bilingualism
[10934]   Kiyomi, Setsuko & Stuart Davis (1992) : Verb reduplication in Swati
[11068]   Kockaert, Hendrik J. (1993) : Proposals for corrective phonetics in French for Swazi students
[11070]   Kockaert, Hendrik J. (1997) : Vowel harmony in siSwati: an experimental study of raised and non-raised vowels
[11069]   Kockaert, Hendrik J. & Denise Godwin (1997) : Voicing status of syllable-initial plosives in siSwati
[11440]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle (1979) : The acquisition of Siswati as a first language: a morphological study with special reference to noun prefixes, noun classes and some agreement markers
[11441]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle (1986) : Acquisition of siSwati noun classes
[11443]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle (1987) : A re-examination of some aspects of the benefactive (applied) extension in Swati
[11444]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle (1989) : Estabelecimento de um sistema ortográfico em línguas recentemente escritas e os problemas da sua implementação: o caso Siswati
[11446]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle (1992) : Palatalization in Siswati
[11445]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle & J. G. Mulder (1992) : Linguistic considerations of some cultural attitudes in siSwati
[11442]   Kunene, Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle & Joyce B. G. Sukumane (1987) : Borrowing and neogolism as a means of bridging the gap between foreign concepts/experiences and Siswati terminology in applied branches of knowledge
[12370]   Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1986) : Some linguistic influence of Khoi and San in the prehistory of the Nguni
[12813]   Makoni, Sinfree B. (1993) : Multiple forces on new Englishes
[27517]   Malambe, Gloria B. (2015) : Mid vowel assimilation in siSwati
[13076]   Marks, Shula & Anthony Atmore (1970) : The problem of the Nguni: an examination of the ethnic and linguistic situation in South Africa
[13156]   Masuku, Namsa (1992) : Linguistic theory and women’s organisations in Swaziland
[28079]   Matfunjwa, Muzi Nkanyiso (2016) : Nature of possession in Siswati : a socio-cultural analysis
[13853]   Miti, Lazarus Musazitame (1996) : Subgrouping Ngoni varieties within Nguni: a lexicostatistical approach
[13878]   Mkhonza, S. T. (1987) : Siswati or French: a case for language planning in Swaziland
[14072]   Mordaunt, Owen Glen (1991) : Attitudes of Swazi teacher trainees towards first official language
[23226]   Mordaunt, Owen Glen (1981) : Attitudes toward the utility and sociocultural infleunces of the English language: a study of prospective teachers in Swaziland
[14298]   Moyo, C. T. (1993) : The nature of some problems in student academic writing in an ESL situation
[14430]   Mthembu, Elizabeth (1976) : Relations among four African Bantu languages: Tswana, Swati, Zulu and Shona
[15034]   Ngara, Emmanuel A. (1975) : Comments of the teaching of English in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland
[25580]   Nichols, Peter (2012) : Persistive and alterative – dual-time aspects in siSwati
[15304]   Norman, J. C. (Ed) (1993) : Languages and literature
[23600]   Nussbaum, Loren V. & others (1969) : Understanding and speaking siSwati
[16101]   Ownby, Carolyn Postma (1981) : Early Nguni history: linguistic suggestions
[16102]   Ownby, Carolyn Postma (1985) : Early Nguni history: the linguistic evidence and its correlation with archaeology and oral tradition
[17658]   Rycroft, David K. (1973) : SiSwati language manual
[17660]   Rycroft, David K. (1981) : Concise SiSwati dictionary: SiSwati-English/English-SiSwati
[17661]   Rycroft, David K. (1981) : Essential SiSwati
[17940]   Schachter, Paul (1976) : An unnatural class of consonants in Siswati
[18487]   Sibanda, E. S. (1991) : Causative, applicative and passive in siSwati: an incorporation approach
[18488]   Sibanda, E. S. (1993) : The ECP and agreement in Siswati
[18492]   Sibiya, A. K. (1966) : An elementary course in siSwati
[18493]   Sibiya, A. K. (1975) : An elementary course in siSwati
[19232]   Sukumane, Joyce B. G. (1986) : Objects and causative constructions in Siswati
[19368]   Taljaard, P. C. & Jan Winston Snyman (1991) : An introduction to SiSwati phonetics
[19367]   Taljaard, P. C. , J. N. Khumalo & Sonja E. Bosch (1991) : Handbook of Siswati
[19652]   Thwala, Nhlanhla (1995) : A generative grammar of SiSwati: the morphology and syntax of nouns and verbs
[20723]   Warmelo, Nicolaas Jacobus van (1957) : Neuere Entwicklungen und Bestrebungen in den Bantusprachen Südafrikas
[21507]   Wright, Richard & Aaron Shryock (1993) : The effects of implosives on pitch in SiSwati
[21803]   Ziervogel, Dirk (1944) : Kort oorsig van die klanke en die vormleer van Swazi
[21804]   Ziervogel, Dirk (1948) : Note on the noun classes of Swati and Nrebele
[21807]   Ziervogel, Dirk (1952) : A grammar of Swazi (siSwati)
[21838]   Ziervogel, Dirk & E. J. Mabuza (1976) : A grammar of the Swati language: siSwati
[21920]   Zungu, P. J. (1989) : Hlangwini: a Tekela dialect
[21931]   Zwinoira, Robert T. (1984) : Some toponyms and ethnonyms of Swaziland