4 langues concernées

20 titres trouvés

[612]   Almeida, António de (1966) : Das etnonímias da Guiné Portuguesa do arquipélago de Cabo Verde e das ilhas de São Tomé e Príncipe
[27334]   Bandeira, Manuele (2017) : Reconstrução fonológica e lexical do protocrioulo do Golfo da Guiné
[1870]   Baxter, Alan S. (2002) : ‘Semicreolization?’ - The restructured Portuguese of the Tongas of Sao Tome: a consequence of L1 acquisition in a special contact situation
[6551]   Ferraz, Luiz Ivens (1978) : The creole of São Tomé
[6552]   Ferraz, Luiz Ivens (1979) : The creole of São Tomé
[6550]   Ferraz, Luiz Ivens & Marius F. Valkhoff (1975) : A comparative study of São-tomense and Cabo-verdiano creole
[7940]   Günther, Wilfried (1973) : Das portugiesische Kreolisch der Ilha do Príncipe
[25182]   Hagemeijer, Tjerk (2009) : Aspects of discontinuous negation in Santome
[27213]   Knupp Barretto, & Marcus Vinícius (2008) : Contribuições da língua portuguesa e das línguas africanas quicongo e bini na constituição do crioulo sãotomense
[12321]   Lorenzino, Gerardo A. (1998) : The Angolar Creole Portuguese of São Tomé: its grammar and sociolinguistic history
[12438]   Lucchesi, Dante (1993) : The article systems of Cape Verde and São Tomé creole Portuguese: general principles and specific factors
[13099]   Martinho, Ana Maria Mão-de-Ferro (1994) : Educational and linguistic problems in Portuguese speaking Africa
[13241]   Maurer, Philippe (1992) : L’apport lexical bantou en angolar
[13242]   Maurer, Philippe (1995) : L’angolar: un créole afro-portugais parlé à São Tomé: notes de grammaire, textes, vocabulaires
[13243]   Maurer, Philippe (1997) : Tense-aspect-mood in Principense
[14070]   Morais-Barbosa, Jorge (1975) : Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Sâo Tomé and Príncipe: the linguistic situation
[17668]   Rzewuski, Eugeniusz (1991) : Language policy and initial steps towards language standardization in “luzophone” African countries
[18019]   Schang, Emmanuel (2004) : Syllabic structure and creolization in Saotomense
[26319]   Schang, Emmanuel (2012) : Reduplication in São Tomense: Issues at the syntax-semantics interface
[19857]   Traill, Anthony & Luiz Ivens Ferraz (1981) : The interpretation of tone in Principense Creole: abstract phonological analysis