Une seule langue concernée

14 titres trouvés

[793]   Andrade, Ernesto dʼ (1975) : Ordem das regras fonologicas (linguas de Angola e Moçambique)
[5575]   Doke, Clement Martyn (1954) : The Southern Bantu languages
[6642]   Firmino, Gregório (2000) : Situação linguistiqica de Moçambique
[6973]   Gadelii, Karl Erland (1997) : Languages of Mozambique and Zimbabwe
[6980]   Gadelii, Karl Erland (2001) : Languages in Mozambique
[7171]   Gerdes, Paulus (Ed) (1993) : A numeração em Moçambique: contribução para uma reflexão sobre cultura, língua e educação matemática
[8585]   Heins, John H. (1992) : A study of lexicographic similarity as a preliminary step toward a language atlas of Mozambique
[8607]   Hendrikse, A. P. (1990) : Number as a categorizing parameter in Southern Bantu: an exploration in cognitive grammar
[13070]   Marinis, Hélene (1981) : Línguas bantu: sua história e sua classifição
[15094]   Ngunga, Armindo Saul Atelela (2001) : Language policy for education and the media in Mozambique: an alternative perspective
[17667]   Rzewuski, Eugeniusz (1979) : State of research on the classification of the Bantu languages of Mozambique
[18239]   Schuring, Gerhard K. & M. K. Yzel (1983) : ’n Ondersoek na die taalsituatie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Swart gemeenskap
[18893]   Spuy, Andrew van der (1990) : Phonological relationships between the southern Bantu languages
[20722]   Warmelo, Nicolaas Jacobus van (1952) : Language map of South Africa/Taalkaart van Suid-Afrika