187 langues concernées

566 titres trouvés

[21999]   [Anonymous] (19--) : Gramática ndau
[22002]   [Anonymous] (19--) : Afrikaans-Engels-Tswana woordelys
[22019]   [Anonymous] (19--) : Guide pour l’enseignement du syllabaire bete
[22022]   [Anonymous] (1921) : N’ano ne n’ano, Karanga progressive reading & writing handbook
[22026]   [Anonymous] (1923) : Systems of translitteration from Arabic into English
[22036]   [Anonymous] (1927) : Richtlinien für die praktische Schreibung afrikanischer Sprachen
[22037]   [Anonymous] (1927) : Practical orthography of African languages
[22040]   [Anonymous] (1928) : Report of Rejaf language conference 1928
[22044]   [Anonymous] (1928) : Report of the Committee for the Standardization of the Swahili Language
[22050]   [Anonymous] (1929) : Alphabets for the Efik, Ibo and Yoruba languages
[22051]   [Anonymous] (1929) : Recommendations on Zulu orthography
[22054]   [Anonymous] (1930) : Practical orthography of African languages
[22056]   [Anonymous] (1931) : A practical orthography for Zulu
[22070]   [Anonymous] (1937) : Orthography of Chitonga
[22071]   [Anonymous] (1937) : Native education: the orthography of Tswana
[22073]   [Anonymous] (1938) : Hausa orthography
[22089]   [Anonymous] (1947) : Standard Luganda rules of spelling: summary [...] according to the 1947 orthrography conference
[22093]   [Anonymous] (1948) : The majority and minority report of the Luganda Orthography Committee 1947
[22094]   [Anonymous] (1948) : Rules for reducing unwritten languages to alphabetical writing in Roman characters, with reference especially to the languages spoken in Africa
[22102]   [Anonymous] (1951) : The orthography of Sotho
[22114]   [Anonymous] (1955) : British East Africa: official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names
[22117]   [Anonymous] (1955) : A guide to standard Shona spelling - Chirairidzo chomunyorero wavepo wechiShona
[22118]   [Anonymous] (1956) : The compromise in Igbo orthography controversy
[22121]   [Anonymous] (1957) : Zulu-Xhosa terminology and spelling 1
[22124]   [Anonymous] (1957) : Sotho: terminology and orthography 1
[22127]   [Anonymous] (1958) : Runyoro-Rutooro orthography rules
[22128]   [Anonymous] (1958) : Hausa spelling
[22131]   [Anonymous] (196-) : Herero orthography 1: preliminary edition
[22132]   [Anonymous] (196-) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir Ndonga
[22133]   [Anonymous] (196-) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir Kwanyama
[22140]   [Anonymous] (1962) : The writing of Akan
[22143]   [Anonymous] (1962) : Southern Sotho: terminology and spelling 2
[22144]   [Anonymous] (1962) : Tswana terminology and orthography 2
[22145]   [Anonymous] (1962) : Venda terminology and spelling 2
[22146]   [Anonymous] (1962) : Tsonga terminology and orthography 2
[22152]   [Anonymous] (1964) : Report of the Ateso orthography committee
[22163]   [Anonymous] (1966) : Ndonga spelreëls/orthography 1
[22164]   [Anonymous] (1966) : Kwanyama spelreëls/orthography 1
[22168]   [Anonymous] (1967) : Standard Shona spelling
[22169]   [Anonymous] (1967) : Noord-Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga: wysiginge in die ortografiëe
[22172]   [Anonymous] (1968) : Comment écrire correctement le moore
[22173]   [Anonymous] (1968) : Mbukushu spelreëls/orthography 1
[22174]   [Anonymous] (1968) : Kwangali spelreëls/orthography 1
[22175]   [Anonymous] (1968) : Herero spelreëls/orthography 1
[22181]   [Anonymous] (1969) : !Xû: ’n Boesmantaal (spelreëls 1)
[22182]   [Anonymous] (1969) : Standaardisering van spelling in Tswana
[22188]   [Anonymous] (197-) : Kwangali: linguistic terms and abbreviations/taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22192]   [Anonymous] (1970) : Nama/Damara spelreëls/orthography 1
[22194]   [Anonymous] (1971) : Ndonga: taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22195]   [Anonymous] (1971) : Kwanyama: taalkundige terme en afkortings
[22199]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Xhosa terminology and orthography 3
[22200]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Tsonga terminology and orthography 3
[22201]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Northern Sotho terminology and orthography 3
[22203]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Zulu terminology and orthography 3
[22204]   [Anonymous] (1972) : Tswana terminology and orthography 3
[22210]   [Anonymous] (1973) : New orthography rules (for Chichewa)
[22211]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Ndonga taalkunde en rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22212]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Kwanyama taalkunde en rekekunde: terminologielys
[22213]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Kwanyama spelreëls/orthography 2
[22214]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Mbukushu taalkunst en rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22215]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Ndonga spelreëls/orthography 2
[22220]   [Anonymous] (1974) : Revized official orthography for the Yoruba language
[22221]   [Anonymous] (1974) : Kwangali spelreëls/orthography 2
[22222]   [Anonymous] (1974) : Herero spelreëls/orthography 2
[22227]   [Anonymous] (1974) : Edo language and its orthography: report of the seminar on Edo orthography, May 15-18 1974
[22230]   [Anonymous] (1975) : Kwanyama spelreëls/orthography 2
[22231]   [Anonymous] (1975) : Ndonga spelreëls/orthography 2
[22232]   [Anonymous] (1975) : Herero rekenkunde: terminologielys
[22235]   [Anonymous] (1976) : Orthographe et lexique du Bambara
[22237]   [Anonymous] (1976) : Comment transcrice correctement le moore
[22239]   [Anonymous] (1976) : Herero taalkundige terminologielys
[22240]   [Anonymous] (1976) : Nama/Damara taalkundige terminologielys
[22246]   [Anonymous] (1977) : Nama/Damara spelreëls/orthography 2
[22252]   [Anonymous] (1978) : A simple science vocabulary
[22255]   [Anonymous] (1979) : Orthography of standard Kanuri
[22256]   [Anonymous] (1979) : Manuel pour lire et écrire la langue gunu
[22258]   [Anonymous] (1979) : Unified Akan orthography
[22263]   [Anonymous] (198-) : Tentative orthography of Fwe, as spoken in the Caprivi
[22264]   [Anonymous] (198-) : Tentative orthography of Subiya, as spoken in the Caprivi
[22268]   [Anonymous] (1980) : A Themne orthography workshop - held during February 18-22, 1980
[22269]   [Anonymous] (1980) : Chichewa orthography rules
[22270]   [Anonymous] (1980) : A Mende orthography workshop - held during January 21-25, 1980
[22271]   [Anonymous] (1980) : Histórico sobre a criação dos alfabetos em línguas nacionais
[22272]   [Anonymous] (1980) : Mbukushu spelreëls/orthography 2
[22273]   [Anonymous] (1981) : A Krio orthography workshop - held during November 24-25, 1981
[22275]   [Anonymous] (1981) : Setswana standard orthography 1981
[22287]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Monokutuba
[22289]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Rwanda, Ikinyarwanda
[22290]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Cameroun, Basaa
[22291]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Ciluba
[22292]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Burundi, Kirundi
[22293]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Zaïre, Kiswahili
[22296]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Herero spelreëls/orthography 3
[22299]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Guide de l’alphabétiseur pour le syllabaire kroumen (tépo)
[22300]   [Anonymous] (1983) : Guide pour lire et écrire le yaoure
[22302]   [Anonymous] (1984) : Bisa didale sibir. Méthode d’alphabétisation F.J.A. langue bissa: phase I et II
[22304]   [Anonymous] (1984) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Tchad, Sara-ngambay
[22305]   [Anonymous] (1984) : Revised Kono, Krio, Limba, Mende and Themne orthographies - workshop held during April 24-27, 1984
[22307]   [Anonymous] (1984) : A problemática da alfabetização em Moçambique
[22311]   [Anonymous] (1984) : Guide de l’alphabetiseur pour le syllabaire djimini
[22312]   [Anonymous] (1984) : Guide pour lire et écrire le djimini
[22315]   [Anonymous] (1985) : Lozi orthography 2
[22328]   [Anonymous] (1987) : Zjuc’hôa ortografie/orthography 2 (Boesman/Bushman)
[22330]   [Anonymous] (1988) : Northern Sotho terminology and orthography 4
[22332]   [Anonymous] (1988) : Gciriku ortografie/orthography 1
[22334]   [Anonymous] (1989) : Le nouvel alphabet des langues guinnéennes
[22341]   [Anonymous] (1990) : Chichewa orthography rules
[22342]   [Anonymous] (1990) : Alphabet des langues nationales
[22343]   [Anonymous] (1990) : Report of the Ghanaian Languages Alphabet Standardization Committee
[22364]   [Anonymous] (1996) : Manual de alfabetização em língua ndau
[23205]   [Anonymous] (2003) : Khoekhoegowab orthography 2
[22768]   Aaron, Uche E. (1990) : Orthography of Obolo (Adoni)
[138]   Abu-Bakari, Bawa (1990) : Tone and orthography: the case of Dagbani
[170]   Adams, R. F. G. & Ida Caroline Ward (1929) : The Arochuku dialect of Ibo: phonetic analysis and suggested orthography
[271]   Adive, John R. (1985) : Ebira orthography
[273]   Adjekum, Grace (1990) : The Dagaari spelling symbol “MH”
[289]   Afido, Pedro J. , Carlos Manuel , Aníbal Victorino , Armindo Saul Atelela Ngunga , Gosnell L. Yorke , Karl Erland Gadelii , Leia Maria Victor Macane , Manuel Involiua , Simão Pedro Columa & Simões Duarte (2000) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Emakhuwa
[290]   Afido, Pedro J. , Carlos Manuel , Aníbal Victorino , Leia Maria Victor Macane & Samuel Amisse (2000) : Proposta da ortografia de Echuwabo
[288]   Afido, Pedro J. , Gregório Firmino , John H. Heins , Samba Mbuub & Manuel Trinta (Ed) (1989) : I seminário sobre a padronizaçâo da ortografía de línguas Moçambicanas
[22779]   Agheyisi, Rebecca Nogieru (Ed) (1987) : Orthographies of Nigerian languages
[23081]   Ahmed, Ibrahim (2004) : Suggestions for writing modern Nubian languages
[23473]   Ahua, Mouchi Blaise (2004) : Conditions linguistiques pour une orthographe de l’agni: une analyse contrastive des dialectes sanvi et djuablin
[28397]   Akerejola-Eminefo, Ernest S. (2019) : A realistic orthography for Ò̩kọ
[23860]   Akeriweh (2000) : A step towards the standardisation of Kènswéynséy, a Grassfields Bantu language
[414]   Akintan, E. A. (1947) : Lecture on the fundamental principles of Yoruba language, and common errors in the writing of Yoruba words and sentences
[415]   Akintola-Arikawe, Olu , Chinyere Ohirí-Aníche & Oládélé Awóbùlúyì (1988) : A guide for creating metalinguistic terms for African languages
[449]   Akpanyung, O. A. (1951) : Guide to the writing of Ibibio
[456]   Akrofi, C. A. & Eugen Ludwig Rapp (1938) : A Twi spelling book
[514]   Alexander, Neville (1992) : Harmonising Nguni and Sotho
[560]   Alicete, Tomé Charles , Marcos Conde Chato , Júlio Francisco Massavala , Miguel Ndapassoa Passo & Castigo Tenesse (1991) : Bukhu ya kupfundzisa kuona na kulemba malongero a cisena/Manuel de alfabetização em língua sena
[561]   Alicete, Tomé Charles , Marcos Conde Chato , Júlio Francisco Massavala , Miguel Ndapassoa Passo & Castigo Tenesse (1995) : Bukhu ya kupfundzisa kuona na kulemba malongero a cisena/Manuel de alfabetização em língua sena
[824]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1976) : Introduction to written Oromo
[826]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1978) : The development of a national orthography in Somalia and the modernization of the Somali language
[832]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1980) : Some observations on the present orthography for Oromo
[807]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. , Stefan Strelcyn & Joseph Tubiana (1966) : Somalia: the writing of Somali
[22759]   Armstrong, Robert Gelston (Ed) (1986) : Orthographies of Nigerian languages
[1104]   Atkins, Guy (1950) : Suggestions for an amended spelling and word division of Nyanja
[1174]   Awóbùlúyì, Oládélé (Ed) (1990) : Yoruba metalanguage
[24196]   Balenghien, Etienne (1987-88) : A propos de l'alphabet du bambara au Mali
[1393]   Bamgbose, Ayo (1965) : Yoruba orthography: a linguistic appraisal with suggestions for reform
[1428]   Bamgbose, Ayo (1981) : On devising, reforming and harmonising orthographies of African languages
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[1431]   Bamgbose, Ayo (Ed) (1982) : Orthographies of Nigerian languages
[1486]   Banjo, Ayo (Ed) (1985) : Orthographies of Nigerian languages
[1569]   Barnes, Bertram Herbert (1934) : The progress of the new Shona orthography
[1576]   Barnwell, Katharine Grace Lowry (1966) : Reading and writing Mbembe
[1774]   Batibo, Herman M. (1983) : Phonetics and the traditional Sukuma orthography
[1849]   Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (198-) : Tentative orthography of Fwe (as spoken in the Caprivi)
[1850]   Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (198-) : Tentative orthography of Subiya (as spoken in the Caprivi)
[1921]   Beavon, Keith H. (1983) : Cours d’initiation à l’orthographe de la langue koozime
[2142]   Bendor-Samuel, John Theodor (1991) : Language standardization and current S.I.L. research
[2170]   Bennie, William Govan (1931) : A practical orthography for Xhosa
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[2204]   Bergman, Richard K. (1966) : Writing Igede
[23614]   Bergman, Richard K. (1979) : John Adimah’s explanation of Igede orthography
[23615]   Bergman, Richard K. (1984) : Introducing a new alphabet for the Igede language
[2239]   Berry, Jack (1958) : The place-names of Ghana: problems of standardization in an African country
[2401]   Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] (1994) : A new orthography of the Ju|’hoan Bushman language and its political/educational implications
[23084]   Bilal, Clement Murba Wau (2004) : The Adamawa-Ubangi languages in Sudan
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[2866]   Booysen, J. M. & J. Muharupu (1987) : Otjiherero terminologielys/terminology
[3114]   Bôt Ba Njock, Henry Marcel (1974) : La transcription moderne des langues africaines
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[23672]   Boyd, Virginia L. (2000) : Exposé de l’alphabet et de l’orthographe proposés pour le gbaya mbodomo
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[3471]   Bulck, V. van (1954) : Orthographie des noms ethniques au Congo belge, suivi de la nomenclature des principales tribus et langues du Congo belge
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[3971]   Chamanga, Mohamed Ahmed & Noël-Jacques Gueunier (1977) : Recherches sur l’instrumentalisation du comorien: les problèmes de graphie d’après la version comorienne de la loi du 23 novembre 1974
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[4017]   Chebanne, Andy M. (1994) : The history of the Kalanga alphabet
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[22760]   Donwa-Ifode, Shirley O. (1986) : Isoko orthoghraphy
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[5890]   Eans, Jack E. (1991) : Summary of the Kalanga orthography debate proceedings
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