Une seule langue concernée

27 titres trouvés

[1469]   Banda, Felix (1998) : The classification of languages in Zambia and Malawi
[1826]   Baucom, Kenneth L. (1970) : More on the indigenous languages of SWA
[3517]   Burssens, Amaat F. S. (1954) : Inleiding tot de studie van de Kongolese bantoetalen/Introduction à l’étude des langues bantoues du Congo Belge
[4285]   Cluver, August Dawid de Villiers (1990) : Bibliography: the codification and elaboration of Namibian languages
[6534]   Felgas, Hélio Esteves (1960) : Grupos etnico-linguisticos do Congo portugues: sua origem, distribuicao e estabelecimento
[6774]   Fortune, George (1959) : The Bantu languages of the Federation: a preliminary survey
[6781]   Fortune, George (1970) : The languages of the western province of Zambia
[7902]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : The western Bantu languages
[8984]   Holden, Claire Janaki (2002) : Bantu language trees reflect the spread of farming across sub-Saharan Africa: a maximum-parsimony analysis
[9020]   Hombert, Jean-Marie & Larry Michael Hyman (Ed) (1999) : Bantu historical linguistics: theoretical and empirical perspectives
[10096]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann & Wilhelm Johann Georg Möhlig (1983) : Lexikon der Afrikanistik: afrikanische Sprachen und ihre Erforschung
[24891]   Kamba-Muzenga, Jean-Georges (2003) : Substitutifs et possessifs en bantou
[10462]   Kashoki, Mubanga E. (1978) : The language situation in Zambia
[10463]   Kashoki, Mubanga E. & Michael Mann (1978) : A general sketch of the Bantu languages of Zambia
[12745]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1999) : A comparative study of Bantu noun classes
[12759]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2003) : A classification of the Bantu languages: an update of Guthrie’s referential system
[23272]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2004) : Indices to Bantu languages
[23273]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2006?) : Comparative TMA morphology in Niger-Congo:the case of persistive, and some other, markers in Bantu
[23274]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2006) : The linear ordering of TAM/NEG markers in Bantu, and a few historical implications
[23352]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2006) : A referential classification of the Bantu languages: keeping Guthrie’s system updated - Preliminary version
[24882]   Maho, Jouni Filip (2008) : The Bantu Bibliography
[12980]   Maniacky, Jacky (1997) : Contribution à l’étude des langues bantoues de la zone K: analyse comparative et sous-groupements
[15475]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (2003) : Towards a historical classification of the Bantu languages
[15711]   Ohannessian, Sirarpi & Mubanga E. Kashoki (Ed) (1978) : Language in Zambia
[17500]   Roux, P. J. le (1971) : The common names and a few uses of the better known indigenous plants of South West Africa: alphabetical list of botanical names in the various languages for the various plant species
[18061]   Schinz, Hans (1933) : Geographische Namensgebung Südwestafrikas
[20263]   Vansina, Jan (1984) : Western Bantu expansion