101 langues concernées

34 titres trouvés

[462]   Aksʼonova, Irina Stepanovna (1977) : Imennye klassy yazyka kuria [Noun classes of Kuria]
[465]   Aksʼonova, Irina Stepanovna & Irina Nikolaevna Toporova (1994) : Jazyk kuriia [Kuria grammar]
[28572]   Aunio, Lotta , Holly Robinson , Tim Roth , Oliver Stegen & John B. Walker (2019) : The Mara languages JE40
[23577]   Cammenga, Jelle (2002) : Igikuria phonology and morphology, a Bantu language of south-west Kenya and north-west Tanzania
[3642]   Cammenga, Jillert (1993) : Kuria vowel height and iterative local spreading
[3643]   Cammenga, Jillert (1994) : Kuria phonology and morphology
[26829]   Diercks, Michael , Rodrigo Ranero & Mary Paster (2015) : Evidence for a Clitic Analysis of Object Markers in Kuria
[27425]   Diercks, Michael , Rodrigo Ranero & Mary Paster (2015) : Agreement with conjoined arguments in Kuria
[7468]   Gould, Laurie J. (19--) : The grammar of Ikikuria
[7469]   Gould, Laurie J. (1987) : Evidence for ambiguous targets in Kuria advancement strategies
[7470]   Gould, Laurie J. (1988) : Liberation and Kikuria relative clauses
[7650]   Greenway, P. J. (1947) : A veterinary glossary of some tribal languages of Tanganyika Territory
[7903]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[25338]   Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[28839]   Landman, Meredith & Rodrigo Ranero (2018) : Focus Marking in Kuria
[12576]   Mabururu, Mogeni Tom (1994) : A comparative study of Ekegusii and Kikuria morphosyntactic features
[12754]   Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[27615]   Marlo, Michael R. , Leonard Chacha Mwita & Mary Paster (2014) : Kuria Tone Melodies
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[15504]   Nyaigotti-Chacha, Chacha & David [Arnold] Odden (1998) : The phonology of vocalic height in Kikuria
[15618]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1987) : Predicting tone in Kikuria
[15790]   Okhotina, Natalya Veniaminovna (Ed) (1977) : Mladopismennye jazyki Afriki: voprosy fonologii i grammatiki
[16449]   Philippson, Gérard (1991) : Tons et accent dans les langues bantu d’Afrique orientale: étude comparative, typologique et diachronique
[17205]   Rheinhardt, Joseph (19--) : Gikuria-English dictionary
[17206]   Rheinhardt, Joseph (1949/50) : A grammar of Kuria
[17405]   Rose, Sarah (2001) : Tense and aspect in Kuria
[18122]   Schoenbrun, David Lee (1997) : The historical reconstruction of Great Lakes Bantu: etymologies and distributions
[18537]   Sillery, Anthony (1936) : Notes for a grammar of the Kuria language
[22952]   Sim, Ronald J. (1979) : Proposals concerning the Kuria alphabet
[19749]   Toporova, Irina Nikolaevna (1977) : Fonologitcheskaya sistema yazyka kuriya [The phonological system of Kuria]
[20035]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[28298]   Walker, John (2013) : Comparative Tense and Aspect in the Mara Bantu Languages: Towards a Linguistic History
[21052]   Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1955) : The structure of Kuria verbal and its position in the sentence
[21663]   Yukawa, Yasutoshi (2002) : Kuria-go dooshi akusento shiron / A tentative tonal analysis of Kuria verbs