4 langues concernées

23 titres trouvés

[22127]   [Anonymous] (1958) : Runyoro-Rutooro orthography rules
[1909]   Beattie, John H. M. (1957) : Nyoro personal names
[2227]   Bernsten, Jan[ice] Graham (1998) : Runyakitara: Uganda’s ‘new’ language
[28240]   Bickmore, Lee (2019) : Liquid realization in Rutooro
[2619]   Blok, H. P. (1951) : Iets over die zogenaamde “geïntensiveerde” fonemen in het Ganda en Nyoro
[3133]   Bradford, N. H. G. (1962) : Bunyoro adult literacy campaign
[3903]   Caumartin, P. B. (1---) : Runyoro grammar
[5033]   Davis, Margaret Beatrice (1938) : A Lunyoro-Lunyankole-English and English-Lunyoro-Lunyankole dictionary
[5034]   Davis, Margaret Beatrice (1952) : A Lunyoro-Lunyankole-English and English-Lunyoro-Lunyankole dictionary
[6214]   Empaako, (1991) : An agent of social harmony in Runyoro/Rutooro
[7903]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[8001]   Haddon, Ernest B. (1937) : The perfect tense in the eastern Bantu languages
[26149]   Isingoma, Bebwa (2012) : Triadic Constructions in Rutooro
[25338]   Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[10328]   Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi (1971) : Lunyoro/Rutoro instructions
[14472]   Mugisha, Vincent M. (1998) : Eine komparatistische Untersuchung von Vergleichen uns Metaphoren, ihrer Konzeption und ihrem Gebrauch in westgermanischen Sprachen (Deutsch und English) und Bantuspachen Ugandas (Runyoro und Luganda)
[14677]   Muzale, Henry R. T. (1998) : A reconstruction of the Proto-Rutaran tense/aspect system
[14910]   Needham, Rodney (1967) : Right and left in Nyoro symbolic classification
[17569]   Rubongoya, L. T. (1957) : Linda ensego n’orulimi rw’Ihanga [Preserve the customs and language of our country]
[17570]   Rubongoya, L. T. (1999) : A modern Runyoro-Rutooro grammar
[18122]   Schoenbrun, David Lee (1997) : The historical reconstruction of Great Lakes Bantu: etymologies and distributions
[20035]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[20398]   Vincke, Jacques L. (1961) : Systématiques des termes du parenté (Nyoro)