108 langues concernées

40 titres trouvés

[21968]   [Anonymous] (1---) : Kinyamwezi grammar and vocabulary
[1812]   Batibo, Herman M. (2000) : The state of spirantization in Sukuma-Nyamwezi: a historical account
[2624]   Blokland, Henny W. (1987) : Two Nyamwezi texts: an exercise in transöation and understanding
[3109]   Bösch, P. Fridolin (19--) : Kinyamwezi-Deutsch, A-I
[3473]   Bulkens, Annelies (19--) : Les réflexes du proto-bantou en nyamwezi (F22)
[3527]   Burtt, B. D. (1936) : List of plant names in vernaculars
[4575]   Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Native plant names
[4578]   Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Etymology of Nyamwezi personal names
[4579]   Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Sukuma-Nyamwezi language group
[4581]   Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Plant names in Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Nyiramba, Nyaturu, Taturu, Gogo, Masai, Shambala, Swahili, Nyambo, Luguru, and their use
[5721]   Drexel, Albert (1931) : Der Ewe-Typus in seiner systematischen Eigenart und in seiner sprachgeschlichtigen Stellung
[7650]   Greenway, P. J. (1947) : A veterinary glossary of some tribal languages of Tanganyika Territory
[7903]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[25338]   Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[9991]   Jonsson, Erland (1949) : Kinyang’wezi grammatik
[10237]   Kahigi, Kulikoyela K. , Yared Magori Kihore & Maarten Mous (Ed) (2000) : Lugha za Tanzania/Languages of Tanzania: studies dedicated to the memory of Prof. Clement Maganga
[28230]   Kanijo, Ponsiano Sawaka (2019) : The semantics of -ø-…-íle in Nyamwezi
[10446]   Kaseka, Ambrosius (1953) : A grammar of Kiilwana (Kinyamwezi)
[10754]   Kieckers, E. (1931) : Die Ndonga-Gruppe
[12254]   Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf (1985) : Verbal extensions in Bantu: the case of Swahili and Nyamwezi
[12260]   Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf (1994) : Arabic grammatical loans in the languages of East Africa
[12265]   Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf (2002) : Verbal extensions in Bantu: the case of Swahili and Nyamwezi
[12699]   Maganga, Clement & Thilo C. Schadeberg (1992) : Kinyamwezi: grammar, texts, vocabulary
[22526]   Maganga, Clement & Thilo C. Schadeberg (1987) : English-Nyamwezi and Nyamwezi-English vocabulary
[12754]   Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[13116]   Masele, Balla F. Y. P. (2001) : The linguistic history of SiSuumbwa, KiSukuma and KiNyamweezi in Bantu Zone F
[15399]   Nurse, Derek (1970s) : A phonological and morphological sketch of 15 of the principal languages of Tanzania
[15470]   Nurse, Derek (2000) : Diachronic morphosyntactic change in western Tanzania
[15410]   Nurse, Derek (Ed) (1979) : Description of sample Bantu languages of Tanzania
[15423]   Nurse, Derek & Clement Maganga (1979) : Nyamwezi
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[16449]   Philippson, Gérard (1991) : Tons et accent dans les langues bantu d’Afrique orientale: étude comparative, typologique et diachronique
[17972]   Schadeberg, Thilo C. (1989) : Tone and history of Nyamwezi verb forms with complex final tones
[17975]   Schadeberg, Thilo C. (1991) : High tone shift in KiNyamwezi
[17980]   Schadeberg, Thilo C. (1995) : Object diagnostics in Bantu
[23243]   Schadeberg, Thilo C. (2005) : Nyamwezi (F22) reflexes of Proto-Bantu tone
[18117]   Schoenberger, Paul (1961) : Names for “God” known and used by the Wanyamwezi
[19295]   Swynnerton, G. H. (1946) : Vernacular names for some of the better-known mammals in the Central Province, Tanganyika Territory
[20097]   Turgeon, [Pére] L. (1---) : Dictionnaire français-kinyamwezi
[28698]   Velten, Carl (1901) : Grammatik des Kinyamuesi: der Sprache der Wanyamuesi in Deutsch-Ostafrika, speciell des Dialektes von Unyanyembe, nebst einem Wortverzeichnis kinyamuesi-deutsch und deutsch-kinyamuesi