6 langues concernées

19 titres trouvés

[2738]   Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1974) : A counter example to Bach’s “questions”
[2739]   Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1975) : Observations on the immediate dominance constraint, topicalization and relativization
[2758]   Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1985) : Verbal agreement as a noncyclic rule in Bantu
[2737]   Bokamba, G. D. (1971) : Specificity and definiteness in Dzamba
[7883]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1961) : Bantu sentence structure
[7903]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[9226]   Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1940) : Lingala (mise au point)
[25338]   Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[10284]   Kamanda Kola, Roger (1991) : Éléments de description du zamba, langue bantoue (C.31e) du Zaïre
[10285]   Kamanda Kola, Roger (1993) : A propos de la tonalité en zamba
[10286]   Kamanda Kola, Roger (1994) : Notes sur l’augment en zamba
[12144]   Leynseele, Hélène van (1977) : An outline of Libinza grammar
[12581]   MacBeath, [Reverend] A. G. W. (1940) : Bobangi in twenty-one lessons
[12731]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1995) : Calculating differences in phonological features of consonants in a sample of 25 Bantu languages
[13476]   Meeussen, Achille Emiel (1954) : The tones of prefixes in Common Bantu
[13483]   Meeussen, Achille Emiel (1956) : Lexiko-statistiek van het bantoe: Bobangi en Zulu
[17391]   Rop, Albert Jozef de (1963) : Introduction à la linguistique bantoue congolaise
[19396]   Tanghe, [Père] Basile Octave , Egide de Boeck & [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf Hulstaert (1940) : Bestaat er wel in de Congolese talen een tegenwoordige tijd?
[27050]   Whitehead, John (1899) : Grammar and dictionary of the Bobangi language - as spoken over a part of the Upper Congo, West Central Africa