9 langues concernées

62 titres trouvés

[22125]   [Anonymous] (1957) : Mémorial André Basset
[131]   Abraham, Z. (1973) : An investigation of parental acceptance of Indian stuttering children as described by the Q sort technique
[562]   Alidina, M. M. H. (1993) : The Persian factor in Kiswahili
[630]   Alverson, Hoyt S. (1994) : Semantics and experience: universal metaphors of time in English, Mandarin, Hindi and Sesotho
[1549]   Barkhuizen, Gary P. & Ute Knoch (2005) : Missing Afrikaans: ‘linguistic longing’ among Afrikaans-speaking immigrants in New Zealand
[2342]   Bharuthram, S. (2003) : Politeness phenomena in the Hindu sector of the South African Indian English speaking community
[2448]   Bisang, Walter & Remi Sonaiya (1997) : Perfect and beyond, from pragmatic relevance to perfect: the Chinese sentence-final particle le and Yoruba ti
[2687]   Bodomo, Adams B. (2004) : A Dagaare-Cantonese-English lexicon for lexicographical field research training
[3106]   Böhm, Gerhard (1992) : Zur Urspachstammesgeschichte der Papua und Sudanneger
[3439]   Bughwan, D. (1970) : An investigation into the use of English by the Indians in South Africa, with special reference to Natal
[3440]   Bughwan, D. (1973/74) : Indian South African: their language dilemma
[3534]   Butavand, F. (1933) : Études de linguistique africaine et asiatique comparé
[3918]   Cerny, V. & others (Ed) (1974) : Asian and African languages in social context
[4882]   Dakin, Julian , Brian W. Tiffen & H. G. Widdowson (1968) : Language in education: the problem of Commonwealth Africa and the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent
[5008]   Datta, Ansu K. (1978) : Languages used by Zambian Asians
[5515]   Doerfer, Gerhard (1974) : Ist das Japanische mit den altaischen Sprachen verwandt?
[6164]   Elson, Benjamin F. (Ed) (1986) : Language in global perspective: papers in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics 1935-1985
[6481]   Faraclas, Nicholas G. (1990) : From old Guinea to Papua New Guinea: a comparative study of Nigerian Pidgin and Tok Pisin
[7110]   Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice & Gabriel M. Ferrand (1923/25) : Mélanges René Basset: études nord-africaines et orientales
[9147]   Hromnik, Cyril Andrew (1981) : Indo-Africa: towards a new understanding of the history of sub-Saharan Africa
[9901]   Jithoo, R. (1972) : Some aspects of the nature and incidence of stuttering among Indian primary school children
[10338]   Kamwangamalu, Nkonko Mudipanu (1993/96) : Advancement in some Asian and African languages
[10481]   Kassam, A. O. (1971) : The linguistic system within the Asian community in Tanzania (with particular reference to Daressalaam): report on the Asian community in Tanzania sponsored by the Tanzania Survey
[11049]   Knappert, Jan (1983) : Persian and Turkish loanwords in Swahili
[11384]   Kruskal, Joseph B. , Isidore Dyen & Paul D. Black (1973) : Some results from the vocabulary method of reconstructing language trees
[12251]   Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf (1982) : A preliminary analysis of the Indic lexical elements in Swahili ; part 1
[12252]   Lodhi, Abdulaziz Yusuf (1984) : A preliminary analysis of the Indic lexical elements in Swahili ; part 2
[12259]   Lodhi, Mohamed Y. (1992) : African settlements in India
[12497]   Luke, Kang Kwong & Adams B. Bodomo (2003) : A comparative study of the semantics of serial verb constructions in Dagaare and Cantonese
[12536]   Luzuka, T. (1987) : English language assimilation and expression in Uganda, South East Asia and Southern Africa: a comparative study
[12753]   Maho, Jouni Filip (Ed) (2002) : Contributions in honour of Prof. Tore Janson, on the occasion of his retirement, February 2001
[13679]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1988) : Toward a lexicon of South African Indian English
[13682]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1990) : The linguistic reflex of social change: caste and kinship terms among people of Indian descent in Natal, South Africa
[13683]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1991) : Syntactic variation in South African Indian English: the relative clause
[13686]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1992) : A lexicon of South African Indian English
[13687]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1992) : English in language shift: the history, structure and sociolinguistics of South African Indian English
[13689]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1995) : Language change, survival, decline: Indian languages in South Africa
[13693]   Mesthrie, Rajend (2002) : Language change, survival, decline: Indian languages in South Africa
[13694]   Mesthrie, Rajend (2002) : From second language to first language: Indian South African English
[23619]   Mesthrie, Rajend (1993) : South African Indian English
[13691]   Mesthrie, Rajend (Ed) (2002) : Language in South Africa
[14069]   Morais-Barbosa, Jorge (Ed) (1967) : Estudos linguísticos crioulos: reedição de artigos publicados no Boletim da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa
[28081]   Motjope-Mokhali, Tankiso Lucia (2016) : A comparative analysis of Sesuto-English dictionary and Sethantso sa SeSotho with reference to lexical entries and dictionary design
[14807]   Naidoo, K. (1971) : Some aspects of the phonetic deviations in the speech of Tamilians in Durban
[14842]   Nanabhay, R. (1967) : A study of stuttering in an Indian family with special reference to genetic factors
[14843]   Nancarrow, Owen (2003) : Africa and the Middle East
[14904]   Neale, Barbara (1974) : Language use among the Asian communities
[15912]   Omoniyi, Tope (1999) : Afro-Asian rural border areas
[17090]   Ratliff, Martha (1992) : Tone language type change in Africa and Asia: !Xu, Gokana and Mpi
[17224]   Rice, Frank A. (Ed) (1962) : A study of the role of second languages in Asia, Africa and Latin America
[18085]   Schmied, Josef (1983) : Englisch in Afrika und Vorderasien
[19528]   Teubner, J. K. (1974) : Altaisches, fernöstliches und malaiisches Wortgut im Suaheli
[19529]   Teufel, Johann Karl (1969) : Lieferte das persische oder eine neuindische Sprache das Vorbild für die zusammengerückten Verben im Suaheli?
[28082]   Thetso, 'Madira Leoniah (2018) : The distribution and interpretation of the qualificative in seSotho
[19616]   Thomas, Edward H. (2000) : The politics of language in the former colonial lands: a comparative look at North Africa and Central Asia
[19938]   Trivedi, B. V. (1955) : Gujarati-Swahili shabdapothi [Gujarati-Swahili dictionary]
[20686]   Wanger, P. Willibald (1928) : Gemeinschaftliches Sprachgut in Sumer und Ntu
[21103]   Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1974) : Kenya’s Asian languages
[21357]   Winters, C. A. (1983) : Possible relationship between Manding and Japanese
[21458]   Woo, Florence Fung Lam (2001) : Serial verb constructions in Èdó and Cantonese
[21520]   Wurm, Stephen A. (Ed) (1996) : Atlas of the world’s languages in danger of disappearing
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